
Is this actually true? Because, if so, I really really really need her number like NOW. I have a very, very dirty job for her…

Rent boys ain't cheap, ya know.

Good for him. Now he isn't just married to a beard, he's also wearing one!

Your complete refusal to actually answer the question is most revealing, nitoe dear. Most revealing.

Wait… that's not how it works? I'll be damned. Literally, it seems…

You are a cheeky troll, nitoemah. I'll give you that. You've got the Christian-persecution thing d-o-w-n. Well done, sir. Rock that shit, baby.

Wrong. Difference is: There's no belief system I would ever go within a hundred miles of that shamelessly uses a real-life atrocity as a stump for pushing superstitious morality and demonizing secular achievements like the discovery of the FACT of evolution. This movie is bullshit because it's making a grotesque and

They have to be. It's in the contract.

While I would agree insofar as militant-anything is pretty much always, just by its nature, obnoxious, at least most Penn Gillette-style atheists understand concepts like "humor" and "irony" even if they are using them in ways that some might see as unkind or annoying. For me at least, the near-total self-seriousness

"Untrue! Just look at the glistening oiled pecs, six-pack abs and smooth, supple, beautifully-corded loins of this corpse, which hath never known the taint of egg nog. Yea, verily, I say that this is truly the sweet, sweet body of our ex-Lord and Saviour!"


“We’re going to prove, once and for all, that God is dead. If the members of the jury would follow me out to my car — I have his corpse in my trunk."

Not sure either at this point but I do know there will be a loincloth and a whole lot of baby oil.

I'm absolutely quoting that line because A) It's a good one, and B) It's true. You are making the assumption (based on nothing, I might add) that I am, therefore, agreeing with everything else the fictional character in question has to say. Not that it matters, but I don't. Doesn't invalidate the truth of that quote

Again, no problem. I'm not here to try to convert anyone and I appreciate the lack of same from you.

God's Not Dead 3: Not Deadest

Re: #4 — Sorry, that would be a good movie you're imagining.

Nothing wrong with taking the piss out of uptight comment responses, too, right? Right?

Ouch. That'll leave some stretch marks.

Any supreme being worth his nuts would have had that kid do a Triple Lindey out of the tree first. Showmanship, my ass.