
This isn't the place for Druidic blasphemy? That explains why everyone here's so overdressed…

Douchechill's right: How the hell do you know the wizard doesn't live in the ground? Or the ocean? Or the Land of Oz, for cryinoutloud? So closed-minded… jeez…

Agree. Scorsese might be a believer (although I couldn't say) but he has the decency not to fucking preach. And that ain't nothin'.

No prob: 2 issues, however:

Hercules is not amused.

No, if the stories about her being controlling, uptight, shrewish, etc are true, I'd say she's living the role, too.

I saw it and I still didn't know she was in it.

Good one! You so funny.

I thought they proved it in the last one? Is he Even More Not Dead this time? WTF?

Isn't that basically what all these Christian movies are: drippy love stories between ordinary people and Jesus/God? And that may be the real problem for anyone (like moi) who isn't already in the bag for their chosen hunk. For me it's the equivalent of being asked to take David Spade seriously as a romantic love

True, propaganda has different aims than standard narrative. But then propaganda shouldn't attempt to cloak itself as something else if it wants a "fair" hearing. But then, even if the standard is "how well does it make it's case?" these things are miserable failures. They're preaching to the choir.

Well, what do you expect from people who voluntarily subject themselves to hours of being preached at on a weekly (or more often) basis? This is not the act of a person used to making good choices.


It all started when he showed up and took their guns. Lack of guns causes intestinal issues.

Except that, if you really do believe there is a loving god, "Why not you?" only sounds enlightened until you stop and think "Well, why any-fucking-body?" Otherwise you're down the Mother Theresa "Suffering Is Awesome!" Rabbit Hole. And if that's your game, well, screw you and the god you rode in on.

A creator willing to torture his creations forever for making incorrect choices that he already knew ahead of time they were going to make. Ugh. And Satan gets a bad rap, why, exactly?

That's just mean, kicking the poor lady while she's down.

Wow, all that work to "get into character" and he's still the least expressive actor in Hollywood. I think he needs to drink more.

Wow. Out-of-context (and even in, frankly), that sounds really sinister. Did you sleep with one eye open?

In a similar vein: My sister-in-law's an ICU nurse and, bizarrely, also a miracle-flogging Christian. Seems like any job that involves scrubbing third-degree burns and cleaning bloody feces off of terminally ill intestinal cancer patients would pretty conclusively cure your ass of believing in a kind and loving