
Catch-22 is, by far, Mike Nichols' best (only good?) movie.

"It looked a bit like Kate Beckinsale is playing Elizabeth Hurley."

Imagining two Kate Beckinsales. This will come in handy later…

You lost me at "written by the hack who inflicted Collateral Beauty on the world"…

See also Flanagan's first movie Absentia. The implications of its main horror (and the final scene in particular) are very much of the "keep-you-up-for-days" variety.


Falling down's funny and all, but if you can fit in at least one punch and/or kick to the crotch then you are onto some serious comedy gold.

Yeah, snagging Veronica Mars def earns you some respect.

New (low) bar for judging how bad a movie is: "I'd rather watch an episode of the original CHiPs TV series than watch this movie again." The horror….

I feel a Shannon Tweed comeback on the horizon! No, wait, that's just my hand…

Difference is Close Range is helmed by Isaac Florentine, who is a fucking great action director — one of the (very) few left. Hard Target 2 is directed by Roel Reine, your standard-issue generic DTV hack.

Never Nudes Unite!

Romania IS his safe space.

Well, I mean Ignatiy's put on a few pounds but "hefty" is kinda mean, don't you think?

No, The Bus Boys

"They cut the most ridiculous statements."

It's actually twice as good as this review is bad, so…

Well, there ARE multiple levels of very distinctness. I like that he's being specific.

Yes, this is definitely something Puddy would have said.

This requires no elaboration. It is simply true. Bald Travolta is the only REAL Travolta.