
Doubt and questioning are only essential parts of faith so long as they never, ever lead you to abandon religion. Ever hear of a Christian who didn't claim their doubts only made their faith stronger? Exactly. Questioning is only okay as long as the game is rigged so it never, ever wins. Otherwise, in a roundabout

"Even Monty Python couldn't actually make fun of Jesus when it came down to it…"

I liked Noah because, yeah it was weird, but also because Aronofsky didn't try to act like he was making a documentary. It was the Bible treated like The Lord of the Rings, which is, frankly, the only sane way to do it.

Agree but with the qualification that, as a "code of ethics," the bible is sick even by Bronze Age standards.

Bullshit: When he officially — and in no uncertain terms — advocates for all forms of birth control, a top-to-bottom, massive culling of pedophiles from the "priestly" ranks (along with total restructuring and reparations), and divestiture of the billions of dollars in material assets for the benefit of the poor and

Yeeeeaaaahhh: About this whole "Christian morals" thing: There's nothing good that's ever been done in the name of religion that couldn't be (and hasn't been) done simply for goodness' sake and not because Big Brother's Watching. This being so, why not just cut out the middle man?

Miracles below the belt are just gauche. Even Jesus doesn't discuss such things in mixed company.

That's what makes a commercial a commercial. These aren't narratives so much as they're advertisements for the super awesomeness of Christianity. Expecting anything other than a rah-rah "Our Team Kicks Ass Because We Have the Best Quarterback" hard-sell is just naive.

If it wasn't too preachy it wouldn't be a "Christian" movie. It'd just be A Movie.

You do know that Jesus was a vampire, right? Why do you think the Catholics are still carrying on the whole blood-drinking thing? It's all right there in the Holey Bibble.

And why is it that the only way any Christian rock ever gets any play is if someone first favorably compares them to a non-Christian band? Like: "Yeah, they're the Christian Black Sabbath!" To which I always want to reply: "In what way does the addition of Christianity to one of my favorite bands improve said band?

Well, that's nice to hear at least. Too bad this kind of thing always has to hit people right where they live before they suddenly develop empathy for those outside their tiny little bubble, though.

I would say that a film can have elements that come from a religion and still be entertaining (see Exodus or Noah or Tree of Life or even The Last Temptation of Christ) but the second a film starts actively preaching (i.e. the second the film itself becomes "religious"), it stops being a story and starts being a

I'm curious: Please provide examples from the review that demonstrate intolerance "of Christians in general" because I'm not seeing any. Your offense gland appears to be hyperactive.

And trolls be trollin'.

Blurred Lines — At the risk of sounding like a broken record: Your comments make no sense unless you are claiming that ANY criticism of religion is a criticism of ALL religion. In which case: Bullshit. No belief system (of any kind) gets a "Freedom from Criticism" card.

But in your attack you claim:

Like I said: None of the crazies will ever watch The Leftovers.

An agnostic minister? Isn't that kind of like a hooker who refuses to do anything below the belt? How does that even work?

Look: Screw midichlorians — If Liam Neeson says you're the f**king Messiah, then You. Are. The. F**cking. Messiah.