I haven’t watched Dumb Ways to Die in so long. Thanks for a blast from the past.
I haven’t watched Dumb Ways to Die in so long. Thanks for a blast from the past.
A little short notice for this year but this a great way to see INSIDE a lot of buildings you would otherwise never see.
But is it going to suck
Man not sure where these people work? I sell Chevy in Michigan we are open 9 am till 6pm and till 9pm on Monday and Thursday. No saturday or Sundays. Every sales person here has been here at least 10 years. We work our own deals, no manager involved at all and that includes Finance (back end products) We work the deal…
Pretty cool that they got Mr. Peanut and a small child to unveil it.
Lewis: McLaren never gave me a F1 LM :(
Probably thought he would have to buy a set a tires if he stopped for gas.
You can’t truly admire the beautiful Italian design of an Alfa until your parked on the side of the road waiting for a tow. Then you have lots of time to gaze at Guilia’s incredible figure and think dirty thoughts of what you’ll do when she’s back running again.
1. He looks like Huey from The Boondocks.
Just goes to show that GM is truly innovative - they’ve had vibrating trim panels years before everyone else.
Joe is 74 years old. He worked hard all his life and then became a great politician who ended up being next to the most powerful man in the universe. Now their 8 years are done and an orange guy lives in their house.
Now TG is officially back.
I think you meant “see you at the Crosstour”
All I can see is the gif, so my analysis is probably incomplete. That said, here’s what I see: Camry with IL plates is driven exactly how you’d expect a Camry owner from IL to drive it.
Ironically, unlike most COTDs, she may still be running her original engine.
You are doing the Lord’s work my friend.