Northern Illinois in DeKalb?
Northern Illinois in DeKalb?
*peels out*
It’s most definately Hump Day because our COTD winner got 3 pretty kitties for the price of 1
Why Buy A New BMW X3, When You Can Get A Sexy Ferrari 355 F1 Serviced?
well, it seems the folks at Daimler were not exactly the smartest of the lot, well at least when it came to running a more “Mainstream” company. Mercedes-Benz really fucked up during the time they owned Chrysler.
All I can think about is Cake, “Short Skirt/Long Jacket”:
If I bring a black light, would the back seat look like a Jackson Pollock painting?
Still for waiting for the “rally” option in Google’s turn-by-turn directions.
The ad alone makes it hard for me to seriously consider this car, but it’s pretty funny if you read it in an Ali G voice.
But towards the eastern or western front?
No my friend the funniest was my roommate. We both worked at Papa john’s and he was carrying like a gallon and a half can of pizza sauce. He slipped and fell and that can hit the floor flat bottomed and EXPLODED in an unbelievable volcano of sauciness. to the point it flew a good 30 feet from where he fell to the…
Here’s your DIY for next weekend. Get to work!
Idk, I’ve heard they’ve gained a lot of pounds since getting that Amazon deal.
I’m hiring Kristen to do stand-up at my next Bar Mitzvah.
That straight 8 you speak of was actually in the Chrsler Atlantic show car.
If I recall correctly, the very original Prowler concept had a straight-8 made from two, get this, NEON engines on a common crankshaft!