Personally, it sounds like the health issue is that she's turning Japanese. I think she's turning Japanese.
Personally, it sounds like the health issue is that she's turning Japanese. I think she's turning Japanese.
I'm a small B and even I can't wear their stuff. I've have an office job and I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years, wth am I going to do with a stuffed bra? /supportyourrant
No offense to Taylor, who looks nice in a Dynasty kind of way, but this picture (from the link) is why I can't buy bras from Vicki's anymore. They don't make any that don't come preloaded with knockers. "Increase 2 Cup Sizes Instantly!" How about just support the plenty-big-enough girls I already have in something…
Azealia gives me Kanye feels. Like I hear you, yas I get you, but also could you maybe sit down for a second and like idk get a rough draft together?
Thank you for all of this. I am giving this article major side-eye.
Kara, I know you're just being funny and not totally serious and using Tay Tay as a way to highlight something that's been talked about around here for awhile, White people with zero Black friends. I love you and this is just a little constructive criticism: Don't. Do. This. Again.
It doesn't hurt, that's for sure!
Here are about 20 "hot" pictures of Jensen Ackles.
why was the word hot in quotation marks in the thing about my television boyfriend, Jensen Ackles?
Madeline, have I ever told you how pretty you are? Not that being pretty is the ultimate, of course, but it's like the little spiral tower of whipped cream on top of the smart, witty, and all-round delightful sundae that is you. You don't want to die on the moon at age 65, which is a sure sign of your intelligence…
Can we get Terry to do a Jez Q&A??? Is someone working on that? Please someone be working on that.
I just think Terry Crews is the most delightful person, and that opinion is compounded every time I watch him in an interview. I even love the way they initially cast him in Brooklyn 99, which is as a sergeant who has to stop working in the field for a while because he gets panic attacks at the thought of dying and…
I also enjoyed when he hit Cop!Bob with his own car. If that's not adding insult to injury, idk what is.
His delivery of "they're close" was perfect.
Yeah I was watching with Mr. Pie and a friend and when Michonne tells Maggie that Beth is alive we all went "oh, I have a sister??" because Maggie hasn't seemed to give two fucks at all this season that Beth was missing.