Things most people don't want in a wedding present— survey says?
Things most people don't want in a wedding present— survey says?
Totally agree- although it is annoying when people think they aren't spoiling when they absolutely are. It's as if people aren't aware of this thing called "inference", wherein if you post a picture of, IDK, a title that says "This Changes Nothing" with Cersei clearly grief-stricken leaning over on the ground, I can…
Hence the disclaimer regarding cheaters. And no arguments from me on Lea's beauty— just sayin' it's weird.
Does this Glee story seem like a stretch to anyone else? As in, it's kind of weird to think about him cheating on a crazy bombshell with little ole' Lea Michele? I know, I know, cheating doesn't necessarily have anything to do with looks, etc.'s strange to me.
Oh man, that looks like cao lau— which is impossible to find in Chicago. SIGN ME UP.
Semantics, you guize. I like to think I'm still being raised...
I recently had the pleasure of meeting her and it took every last ounce of my will-power to not blurt out "and thank you for helping to raise Batman".
Agreed. "Who watches your kids while you workout" is a practical question. My sister has been asking that ever since she found out the YMCA has a strict, 20-minute rule for crying kids— hard to a good work out in when you know you're going to get a tap on the shoulder in 20 minutes!
Right, but don't a lot of people think Romeo and Juliet was a satire for that very reason?
Tavi is so cute!! Though if I ever have the pleasure of greeting Peter Krause with some 6FU, I'm going with "NARM!"
What I found most astounding, and I feel like I haven't seen anything about this (even more astounding)— did they play ANYONE off last night? There was a couple "oh, I think they're done, let's start the music, OH NO someone else wants to speak" moments, but they seemed to make a point not to actually play anyone off.
Well, if no one else is going to do it.
You could just say "that football player who just came out". We'd all know who you were referring to, Paula.
Child Called It?
I know a lot of pals, myself included, who were so turned off by the last book in the series, that now we're kind of like "meh". I'll probably see it in theaters for Chicago and Mr. Pamuk, but it's by no means going to be a Hunger Games excitement for me.
Fair amount of cheek stain, too!