Yeah, you did have some luck. Great buy.
Yeah, you did have some luck. Great buy.
Oh! Very nice. I love the 406 coupé!
What car did you buy?
And what were your thoughts on Forza? You keep going back to GT5?
My car is from 2001 and my rear bumper has a huge dent (some idiot crashed against me) and my front bumper has... a huge dent (my mistake while turning in my garage in a hurry). Also, my car is scratched on its side (some idiot decided to use his mirror as a weapon).
I'm so sorry for asking... but is this the production version?
I don't get it.
Dude snitched on Ron Gotti.
That's the passenger.
If google is right... ...
Where the hell is McMike??
Its a modern day E-Type Jag.
So, what you are telling me is that a $8231812841281.00 car is faster than a $70,000 car? And it is faster a FULL ZOMG two seconds?...
dafuq? Is that even legal? Can't the police impound his car due to that "customization"?
"To be fast, you need your car to be loose."