A Sentient Swarm of Snake Bees

Former porn stars = evil.

Can’t edit this into my other post but I just had a crack theory pop into my head that Bud is Scarebear. It kinda fits.

This grown-ass woman.

Nah, they should have just sat there and watched him drown.

his best friend is a bald psychic. Magneto would be the one with you know the magnatism.

Yeah, I’m confused with the responses to this as it seems Heather is simply pointing out a moment that is potentially homophobic or transphobic and her disappointment with it. Those forms of prejudice aren’t Western, they’re universal.

My kind of culture!

Okay, but I’m trying to stay married.

Or it could be that's it's 2016 and they're tired of the stars of every story being 20 something white guys. That shits tired. Not every one who plays video games is a Middle aged white dude. Black and brown people play video games too

If you love playing as white dudes...we’ve got ya covered

You guys need to seriously stop it with that shit. Bothans stole the plans for the second Deathstar.

here’s the link. check it out if you wanna see more.

They’re basically imposing Christian-approved burial methods on everyone. Like...I’m donating my body to science when I die. If my SO or a close family member dies without a will, I’d have to decide what happens to the body. But with this law, you can’t do the same of a fetus. On top of all the other reasons why this

Common mistake. See, it’s only “illegal” if you can pay for the rape kit that better have DNA, and have so many injuries that it looks like you were dropped off a 3 story building. And even then it’s “he said, she said” issue, depending on what you were wearing at the time and whether the “rapist” is someone you might

But she has HUGE... tracts of land