A Sentient Swarm of Snake Bees

All of these points about Mario being “baby like” and that’s why it’s weird for him to have nipples.... Man, have I got some news about what babies have on their chests.

Loved the episode. Only slightly sad that my theory ‘Blue Morpho was a transman (on the details of him sleeping with Dr. Z and Jonas was all broken up when he died) and Monarch and Rusty are actually Parent Trap type twins’ isn’t true. I mean I can hold out hope that Jonas was just erroneously filling in blanks for

Oh. My. GOD. That is so good. 

And on the flip side of that, why not “this grown ass man”? Like, this grown ass man just can’t seem to stop playing with his pecker in front of people. That’s what toddlers do. He knows better and it ain’t funny anymore.  It’s disgusting and predatory.

Shooting yourself in the foot is continuing to work a job that isn’t providing the pay/benefits you need.

I feel a tiny bit vindicated, considering how much he loves Banjo Kazooie.

They need to save these models and put them in an actual horror game because....ugh. /shudder

I’m so severely disappointed in Jon. I really loved his stuff and his comedic timing was spot-on. Like his takes on old Goosebumps episodes? Goofy! Charming! But...I didn’t read enough into what he was up to since apparently these nasty shenanigans have been going on for while. I hope he gets his act back together

“Well that blows” has been my response to almost every Pokemon Go update since the game released. Why not just limit how many internet trades you can do a day/week, and make trading in person unlimited? I thought the concept of Pokemon was to be international and connect with people all over the world, you know,

You must be a riot at parties, man.

My first character was a Tauren Hunter too! I’m glad you appreciate Mulgore to the extent that you do, it’s one of the draggiest starting zones there is but I have nostalgia for the days the coyotes and cougars would tear me up below Thunder Bluff. One of the coolest starting zones though, in my opinion, is the one

I know right! I wish the white men would stop, too!

Tell ‘em, Dinky!!

Oh man I hate CGI’d stuff that isn’t done well. I mean, it can reach such weird uncanny valley heights if just the smallest details are off. Like Young!Jeff Daniels going that turn around in the last Tron movie? Yikes. I would have been better off just not seeing his face.

The headline of this article had me going all “Nooo Scarly”, but after reading I should have known the picture was her troll face. What a sweetheart. Also her hair in that pic is SO GOOD.

Thank you kindly!

These are so good heeeeelp my little black shriveled heart!

For some reason I forgot the recent pose controversy happened and immediately thought, “Yes, this speaks to my concerns entirely.” More Link butt!!!

This shirt is amazing. A Caucasians team in practice, though, would be the most boring crap ever and how do you even make baseball more boring

I know it won’t happen but I really want some cameos from Imperial officers. Why no love for Piett??