
That shit eating grin smile on the mechanic’s face is gold.

The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!

Relatable? Bullshit.

killing them just for the fur is not right and wasteful.

Have the Germans totally forgotten how to round up and eliminate their enemies?

Buys $900 phone... shouldn’t have to buy a $12 cable.

So you would swerve into the oncoming truck?

Dude, have you ridden in a new Mercedes? Soundproofing is unbelievable.

It sounds heartless, but the only correct answer is the one that Mercedes gave. Would any of us give up control to a car that doesn’t prioritize the survivability of its occupants over anything else? I sure as hell wouldn’t. The car isn’t making a choice to kill those orphans, it’s making a choice not to kill you.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

What do you know?!? Ricky Bobby was actually telling the truth!

When all shopping online does is give you a marginally higher price than if you emailed the internet sales manager and still requires a three hour discussion with the warranty and financing assholes, maybe the process isn’t quite ready; because maybe it doesn’t get rid of the goddamn car dealer experience.  

The only downside to this deal is that you now own a Camaro

I can’t believe the Nissan Cube is still in production.

Can’t watch video at work. Someone please explain how a rope will help you call AAA.

Traffic sucks, so why not start your commute ooff with some tentacle porn?

I personally requested to have the plastic left on my vehicle. Drove home, and spent the next hour slowly peeling it all off. It was the best hour of my life.

I bought a Model S last year: SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than a stealership. I was like “I want this car, with this stuff” and they were like “you can have that car, with that stuff!” and I was like “at this price?” *points at screen on my phone* and they were like “you bet your happy ass you can have it at that price!”

“Nice Spider...”

Ahhh here we go. Prepare yourself for the “Uggg this thing is ugly though” comments. Meanwhile when this thing was Europe only, everyone here couldn’t stop crying about “how come Honda never brings us the cool stuff”. This is why Honda doesn’t bring us the cool stuff. People here aren’t interested in buying cars,