Water cooled 2/10 would not date
Water cooled 2/10 would not date
Why would anybody ever go camping? “Hi, I’ve got time off from work, so I’m going to spend it by going out to the middle of nowhere and pretending to be homeless. I have these wonderful things like showers and toilets and refrigerators and Chinese delivery places, but instead of taking advantage of them I’m going to…
I feel so much better knowing machines designed to wipe out city blocks with high explosives are going green with biofuels and environmentally friendly paint... Am I the only one who finds irony in that fact?
Unreleased detail: This was in front of the pole.
Shamelessly stolen from the Reddit thread about this:
“Driving for enjoyment”
Real Jalops only use a driver.
there’s no problem that can’t be fixed with explosions.
I think they hate it as a spectator sport. Some things just are trash to watch. The most fun I have losing my breath that doesn’t involve latex is playing soccer and playing badminton. Would I ever, under ANY circumstances, watch someone else play either of those things? Not a chance, thats dumb.
$4500.....go buy one!!!! 1975 450
Opel GT with modern updates. Nuff said.
I would opt for an International Scout II and swap in an LS motor
I agree. There are way too many TLAs already.
I live in Massachusetts. We honk if you don’t start rolling when we know the light is turning green.
Hey, Pittsburgh people: if any of you steal one of these Ubers, email us and tell us what it’s like at tips@jalopnik.com.
As a former dealership salesman, this is exactly how we talk about people. We see a lot of jackasses that we have to be nice to so we blow-off steam when we can
So, the secret to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss?
Well, you’re wrong.
I heard there was a video here of two kids in wet t-shirts sitting in the backseat of a car, is that correct?