
If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of options”.

First world problems.

Actually, standard fare for members of this profession.

He will have a different ring for that. It will even pop out faster than his suit ring does, due to excessive use.

Yep, you hit the nail on the head for me. There’s so little we know about so little. We’re basically the first cavemen coming to the ocean and wondering, “Do you think we’re the only humans and it’s just empty ocean for ever and ever?”

Cause that could be the case. Or maybe, just like the cavemen who have thousands of

And we know that 100% of them are guilty. I mean, if they weren’t, why would they confess under torture or the threat of more toture that they were?

And what if one of these people ends up being innocent, just happened to know a person or be in the wrong place at the wrong time? It does seem highly unlikely, but it is still possible.

So torture is fine as long as it’s the other guys? Ok, just remember that when the other guys take yours.

Yeah, because everyone must use a case and are not allowed to just use the phone as-is.

I can confirm this this works as well. But the infuriating part is that we have to go to these lengths.

I’m from California! We’re always on fire! Welcome to the club!

Everyone knows that Google has a liberal bias.

Does Billy need his binky? You sound like a sad little child. You do know that calling out the article for using click-bait descriptions has NOTHING to do with supporting the thugs. Right?

Billy - Nobody was defending them, so at a minimum admit you were wrong on that front, and ideally move on.

Not downplay, dude. Just not overstate.

You an idiot.

Or he was downplaying the overplaying of their actions from the article. There was nothing “aggressive or “takeover style” about their 15-second grab-and-dash.