
What the fuck does Azinger and your other examples have to do with anything?

I’m gonna get a lot of flack for this but my take is Scarlett Johansson is conventionally attractive and a bonefide star, proven as a lead capable of carrying a movie?

According to Wikipedia: “In order to qualify as a finisher, riders must complete each hill in the event without losing forward progress or dismounting from the bicycle. If a rider fails to maintain forward progress, he or she must descend to the bottom of the hill and ride to the top under their own power.”

I'll take things that are obvious for 100 Alex.

Saw it on Wednesday (it opened a few days early here in Australia). It is brilliant. Fun, action-packed, moments of real tension, lots of excitement. Yeah, I’d definitely use the term “good” to describe it.

Why does she have to defend herself for getting roles? The people who cast should be catching flack more than her. If she thinks the role is right for her and it helps develop her craft - why wouldn’t she take it?

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

You don’t think that maybe that goes up when it comes to me who are rich, good looking, and famous? Taking these people’s word as gospel immediately is a mistake and very very stupid. And then people like you come along and say things like ‘ALWAYS believe the victim’ and only make things worse. Ugh.

Sucks if you’re on of those 10%...But hey the internet demands its pound of flesh. To be clear I don’t give a fuck about this guy or his show I never bothered to watch. I’m just sort of astonished how casually you blow of the possibility that someone could falsely accused...

There are 2,718 people on death row. Could you imagine if between 54 and 272 of them were innocent? Hardwick and anyone else that does this crap should get what they deserve, but saying 2-8% is an “immensely uncommon” amount is crazy.

Link to those stats please. I’m not being snarky, just curious so that I can learn. In addition, even if it’s 2% that is 2% of falsely accused people who had their lives ruined. Just like the victims of sexual assault. The same approach should be attributed to the death penalty. If 2% of those on death row are

“When in doubt, side with the woman.”

You’re right. My bad.

I tend to hate overly-wholesome stuff, and I finished the series last night.

oh don’t worry about that. In an attempt to create drama, the new Robinsons don’t seem to care for each other at all.

Actually the Robinsons start kind of dysfunctional and have a nice arc as a family unit over the season. I was expecting the perfect family unit, and was genuinely surprised that it wasn’t.

I don’t understand why Huawei is such a security threat, when just about every major electronics device, including all Apple devices, are built in China. Just about every router available has a major percentage of it’s components sourced from China, if not the entire device.

Bear in mind that LIDAR has its limitations too, it’s not psychic by any stretch of the imagination. I would still say the system likely didn’t have many options even if it did notice a pedestrian off to the left while it was driving down the highway.

I came here to voice this: I work in the medical device industry as an engineer and the ability to have quick turnaround of a prototype is life-changing. It never sees the consumer, but we’re making better and more complicated structures faster and with greater accuracy than ever before.

This shit is getting old really fast. Gymnasts can do that, I think we can agree that heroes like Black Widow or Catwoman are as or more flexible than a gymnast. But keep fighting the good fight, special muffin.