
Rant away my friend, I agree with you. I’ve deigned a few typefaces for corporate clients themselves, and frankly tweaking a standard font would have sufficed in more than a few instances. Plus it’s not like anyone “typesets” anymore and actually tracks and kerns type correctly, or even know what and how to use a

Oh, I know, that’s why I used it :) .... along with “couldn’t care less” and “literally.”

Now playing

the one at the 4:25 mark of this video? i’ve ALWAYS wanted to know what to call that freaking sound effect. I can’t find any name for it on the foley sites

Obvious (and clumsy) viral marketing ploy is obvious.

I fail to see why the original is so bad. I agree that the redesign is better (if only slightly), but I don’t see anything wrong with the original. And it is by no means incomprehensible.

I kept replaying these and looking for the creepy part. I never saw it.

It’s worth noting that 3D printing items for food usage can be a tricky proposition not because PLA plastic isn’t necessarily food unsafe but because the little ridges that result from traditional FFF printing can trap bits of foodstuffs which time can then render um... poisonous.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being

You mean like Eminem today?

Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.

Hipster Maniacally Waving Paint-Covered Broom Without Regard For Self Or Others Causing Thousands Of Dollars Of Damage With No Apparent Motive

a secret keyhole that’s surprisingly easy to hack

Terraforming video: something not available in my country.

This has been around since 2010......

Oh boy. Nothing new here. One of the tech sites (CNet or Engadget) showcased a whole intra office wifi-like system utilizing the ceiling lighting being modulated, and this was like 10 years back.

A Surface clone minus the adjustable kickstand and the full power of an actual operating system.

2015, Apple introduces a new gaming setup