

Oh, for fsck sake. Not only is it not a “drone” because it’s not an Autonomous UAV, but it’s not even a frakkin’ UAV!

So, first there were RC planes / copters. Then it became hip to call them drones. Now we are calling copters with actual people in them drones? Please stop using the word drone.

I’m going to assume you know what the shutter of a camera is/does and what shutter speeds are.

The shutter should ideally be exposing the sensor of the camera for half the time of one frame - that is to say, something shot at 24 frames per second should have a 1/48th of a second shutter speed. If your shutter speed is too fast you don’t have enough motion blur and everything looks stuttery, and if you have it

So it really woul dbe like Gary from Alphas then?

S.O.B.! You beat me to it!

You mean they don’t show up like this?

Of course not. There aren’t enough hipsters on android.

Guy 1: Oh shit. Texaco has escaped. Again.

“Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets that haven’t made interstellar contact yet and buzz them, meaning that they find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one’s going to believe and then strut up and

Cause she has skin? I don't get it

Now playing

“Hello pretty pretty lady!” And oldie but a goodie.

Why, oh, why does every little tip has to be called a hack these days?

“The hitchhiking robot bucket with pool noodles and boots stuck to it, known as hitchBOT...”

Filed to: MURDER FURNITURE. Seriously, Katie? I’m not disagreeing with many comments here (parents need to share the blame), but no one else seems to think dead kids are a subject fit for puns. Why do you?

I’m not sure what the issue is. Ikea provided the anchors and instructions to properly secure the dressers. People chose to ignore them and so its Ikea’s fault? That is like shooting someone and then claiming it is Glock’s fault because the safety wasn’t on.

Daedalus all the way!

These Vorlon transports from Babylon 5. They’re alive somehow and they’re somehow linked to their operator/pilot. And they ... sing. And their skin can talk to you.

The correct answer is The O’Neill.