
Ah yes, ye olde reverse psychology trick. I hear it works great with kids.

“Creators will still be able to see their exact counts on YouTube Studio and YouTube Analytics”

Someone needs to write an extension that detects close-ups of that face and automatically sensors it. For psychological health reasons I mean.

Mental illness and straight up crazy isn’t cured by “firearms training” unfortunately.

I still remember downloading songs for a CD for my moms birthday. I had to do it in batches over several days on ye olde 56k modem.

Is that why it’s called “warp drive”?

Now playing

Tested has done a few videos with him as well. Here’s one at random:

I can watch Adam Savage nerd out about things for hours. His enthusiasm is infectious.

And people wonder why racism is still a thing... You could just as easily have said that artist X stole from artist Y, but nope, you had to bring race into it. Good job.

Looks like a pretty neato solution for smaller companies. I fear bigger companies will still feel this takes too long to do rather than dumping something inside a pre-made bag.

Are they still doing musical numbers and stuff in this show? I think I dropped the show around season 3 because of that.

But what is the effect of those additional 5%? Depending on what you’re talking about, a 5% change could be very significant. Add only 5% red paint to your white paint...

After I had a stent put in to save my kidney from blowing up due to a kidney stone I had the pleasure of knowing what it feels like when you _can’t_ pee. The pain was quite something and apparently morphine doesn’t help, got two shots and they did nothing, which I guess was a good thing since they then checked my

Good thing you’re not using a Huawei phone that might be spying on you at least. Wait...

Those numbers are pretty depressing to be honest. I thought the numbers wouldn’t be quite so disappointing.

For the lazy:
All windows and stairs in Russia are maintained to the highest standards. Please meet me on the 10th floor to discuss this.”

That guy has given me so many laughs over the years, especially during the original Rollplay show Solum. The world is a little bit more boring with him gone.

“For the past few seasons, Archer has gone to shit” Why, yes, you’re quite right, couldn’t have said it better myself.

Bought a Proxxon rotary tool last year to replace my Dremel. T’was a good decision, feels like a different class of tool and only cost a wee bit more.

Bought a Proxxon rotary tool last year to replace my Dremel. T’was a good decision, feels like a different class of