Is this really a problem?
Is this really a problem?
What kind of bullshit player is this ? no controls no full screen ?! tried in chrome and ff.
Not to be anti-inclusion-sensitive, but saying it's the" best gift any man could have" isn't saying ANYTHING about whether women would like it or not. One might assume or think there is an implication, but that is the reader projecting/imagining the motivation/POV of the writer - but there really isn't any…
Your taxpayer dollar at work! Another extremely overpriced set of items the government has zero problem spending money on. I'm sure they could have asked for triple that and it would still have been paid.
I hate to be that guy who tells you you're a douche, but...
In the future, they'll say "Don't buy's a POS."
No indication it was a cell phone. She set it down twice and both times sounded like a pretty heavy thud. Could've just as easily been a digi-cam. Besides, if it was a cell phone, it looks rural. May have made a handy camera, but with no signal.
Isn't this what architects do, until the engineers come in with the adult supervision?
I think he's just referring to the discrepancy that if they win, it's thanks to their own talent, hardwork, etc. but if they lose, it's due to the suits.
"Cork is much lighter than metal nuts, bolts, and other connectors…"
Another misleading Gizmodo headline.
Pulse-measuring apps that work exactly this way already exist on both Android and iOS, and have for years (I use Azumio's Instant Heart Rate).
Is a more powerful nuke really equal to better deterrence? This is what the weapons manufacturers and military contractors want you to think. But the reality is, if you have a nuke, you have a nuke. If a true nuclear war ever commence, we are all fcuked. It's like two man standing in a room full of gasoline, and the…
Doesn't a higher amperage charger just mean it can deliver it if the device can draw it? If you plug an iPad into a iPhone charger, the lower amp capacity isn't capable of delivering power as fast as the device asks for it, so it either won't charge or will charge slowly, but the other way around shouldn't be an…
Show of hands, who kept scrolling to the bottom hoping to find a video?
NASA should have given him a real one. It's not like they're doing anything with them anymore...
Created an account just to like the comment. Touche