It's not dangerous, but it can be inconsiderate to other people. It's just water vapor, but sometimes it smells like the flavor they're smoking, and that can be problematic indoors, especially in a restaurant.
It's not dangerous, but it can be inconsiderate to other people. It's just water vapor, but sometimes it smells like the flavor they're smoking, and that can be problematic indoors, especially in a restaurant.
I guess Patton Oswalt has to actually be FUNNY for the 'bit' to work......
Stop posting shit like this on Gizmodo. All you're doing is inspiring the next wave of idiots to try even more dangerous stunts to gain some internet fame. Stop giving these people the spot light.
Brah just build a PC and use and Xbox controller. Then install Steam OS if you really want to, though you won't be able to run non-steam games, so you're still probably better off with a PC.
Please please please, don't use the new crappy kinja commenting system on gizmodo.
I just want to say that if I want to recommend a post, I hate having to click on the discussion, wait for it to reload the whole thing, scroll back to the top to find it because it moved for some reason, and THEN click recommend. WHY?
Same with me. All I know is the trailer (and a very, very cursory glance at Wiki when the movie was announced), so no biases. Except now that I've seen the trailer, I'm biased towards Starlord xD .
Since this is a religious-related article, on a science-related blog, on the Internet, I'm just going to assume there will be heat in the comments section regardless of what I say or do. With that in mind, I won't waste any energy choosing my words carefully for this comment.
The last thing we need is more marketing of…
Great 60 minutes interview about this guy.
I agree with this theory for like 90% of the cases; however, as a driver, there are many instances where plows have piled up snow in certain areas and you kind of have to drive around these piles to get to where you are going so they are not an accurate representation of 'neckdowns'
I always thought of it another way... that you as a pedestrian are given the power to stop traffic so that you can cross just by pushing a little button. If I don't push the button people have a green light and come and go but, as a pedestrian, I can chose to push the button and make all those cars stop (no matter how…
Good point! I should have finished that thought a bit better. It just made me look at what incredible things he has accomplished, versus what I've done with my 28 years. I know there are many more incredible people and age has no factor in it, but it kinda hits closer to home when it's someone around your age.
I never ate Play-Doh, (or glue or paint) when I was a kid. I saw lots of other kids in my class do it and I never understood why.
The concept isnt new, these have been on personal shopping/storage carts for a long time.
Stuff like this pops up periodically like it's some kind of new information. It's simple.... eat less; exercise more. There is no magic to weight loss. You don't need ridiculous diets, you can live your life without eating salads for every meal. In the old days people spent all day dragging a plow through virgin sod.…
there's a time and a place for it, and it can and has been used to great effect. But it is definitely overused, and lack of technology to not have it is not the reason (steadicams have been around for a long time)
I wouldn't have said any of those things, you've got a valid point.
For people who are actually old-ish like me, 2007 feels like about 2 weeks ago. That makes FotC very HIP to me.
Exactly. This one is slightly fancier, but this same concept is used as a proofing item by pretty much anyone who has ever owned a 3d printer.
These things are all over spheres, cubes and even hearts that all do this. They can be downloaded freely for diy printing. Definitely not a $199 item.