
"That will eventually become an ant attracting, sticky mess."

Landing requires less fuel considering that the atmosphere slows the stage down significantly. The rocket need not expend fuel throughout the entire descent as it simply coasts on terminal velocity.

Now playing

This won't go to orbit... but halfway there. This is a prototype of a reusable 1st stage. The 2nd stage will take it the rest of the way.

Glad to hear we at least tried to make an honest planet out of her.

Now playing

OMG... watch the 3rd video... it finds blood!

If the instruction is to interact freely, people will interact freely :-). They just do, what they are expected to do. If the instruction would be to "stay in the room for a while" and they would behave that way, it would be more surprising.

Meanwhile, anybody with a rudimentary knowledge of machining and a $500 lathe in their shed have been able to make guns that can fire essentially limitless numbers of shots, and have been for over 100 years.

Or it's burnt sugar.

Sorry graffiti (as in painting/spray painting on a building which is not yours, what give you the right to destroy someones property that is not yours) is not art. The store owner obvious did not want this on his building and asked for it to be removed. The graffiti artist reaction, HOW DARE YOU. Sorry I'm all for

Yeah, lets celebrate jerks that destroy private property. I would like to see how much this "artist" would like it if the eraser guy drew crap all over his car. Would that be street "art"? There should be hand amputations for these jerks.

Vandals like this guy can be extremely talented. But that doesn't change the fact that this is vandalism.

"You can't blame DS for reacting the way he did;"

Yes I can. He's damaging someone else's property. They have to spend their time and money to restore their building back to the condition they want it in.

If you want to display your art, buy your own damn building and spray away!

This is NOT fragmentation. This is different devices. Different devices does not equal fragmentation.

I'll keep my Kebo... thanks

And an inefficient battery to boot.

So it doesn't "run on water", it runs on sunlight or mains electricity via USB. The water-hydrogen-water cycle is just a kind of battery that stores energy that comes from somewhere else.

They have been making good looking peripherals for a while now. The gaming ranges of peripherals have looked great for years, and they have been good at aesthetically pleasing in a functional way for a long time.

This isn't a fragmentation map. This is a device version map - (Wait, what? You mean different devices with the same version of android use different drivers and have their device ID's flagged differently? NO WAY!).