
Annnnnd the list, from your Reddit watchdogs.

Here we go America, we make a list and we put on that list everyone who voted FOR the bill and we let it be well known, in every corner of government that we are not voting for these people simply for this reason. They will be weeded out and we start again refreshed. The next vote, the next batch of House members will

I'm not sure Gawker should be calling out sites for shitty and obtrusive ads.

Now playing

I still use the CTU ringtone from 24. Yes, I know it's just a default commercial ringtone, but still... it's the best.

Every day? Unless I absolutely can not use a wire it will remain wired. I bought a wireless card for my computer but yanked it out within a day, it just isn't good enough.

A 1.7 dual core would have been impressive in a desktop PC in 2001, so I'm guessing its 2013

This is so stupid. Cass Tech demolished their old building because of a fire. They built a state of the art facility to take it's place. These pictures are completely out of context, it wasn't abandoned because of the failings of the local economy. What a poorly researched article.

And where did the redditors get them from? Honestly you reddit fanatics are worse than apple or android fanbothe unit everything revolves around or came from reddit.

Yeah seriously. That was a pretty insulting comment, especially surprising to see on a tech blog where you'd expect to find a lot of early adopters for technologies such as 3D printers. I wouldn't consider mine an irresponsible or crazy purchase. I simply saved up until I could afford one without screwing up my

Me in a training EMU. I love working in the space industry.

You literally described my exact experience with YouTube over the last few months. Unreal. And frustrating as hell

Posting this video in every Volvo innovation thread is growing old. It's becoming something like the "Yo Dawg" meme - tired. I'm not blaming you personally, as you may not be aware of its over-use, just making a point.

Just so you know, the Swedish alphabet does not know the characters ë and ø. What you are looking for would be ä, ö, or å. Ø and æ are Danish/Norwegian.

Would be better to use "Drömhus" (Dream house in Swedish, duh) or maybe "Dreämhöuse" if you want to use Swedish letters. :)

"Drëamhøuse" That's not how you spell it. ë and ø are not in the Swedish alphabet if that's what the title hints at.

As an engineer in america, I am ashamed of our measurement system.

"scary", "devastating", "troubling".

"Spock's once futuristic tool,"