
Don’t watch it for that. Wtf? Here’s a couple of tips: Can you hide safely? Are you absolutely sure? No? Run like you’ve never ran before, don’t look back, and don’t stop until you are absolutely sure you’re out of harms way.

“the smartphone in your pocket could outperform even a high-speed camera that costs well over $100,000"

“iPhone” or “smartphone” for every other brand. Gotta give it to Apple, their marketing is pretty good.

Now put “China” in the text instead and see what the comment section looks like in that scenario.

Can you _honestly_ say that you would happily say “nah” to $450k extra a month? I sure as fuck wouldn’t. If you were in his situation, imagine what you could do for the indies if you had an extra 450k to spend on projects every month.

A dude who decided to make his living getting punched in the head repeatedly turns out to be an asshole? I’m shocked, shocked I say.

Regarding cash, don’t assume every store/hot dog stand will accept it. And if you’re going to Europe, don’t assume Euros will work everywhere.

Aren’t these just off the shelf tablets which all (pretty much) have a built-in camera?

I hope the editor drank less coffee when cutting the full doc because that was annoying to watch.

I have quite a bit of contact with Dutch people for my job and one of my favs is the signature some of them have on their e-mails “I hope I have informed you sufficiently”. I always read it like “Yeah, do you get it now? Now go away”.

Was that picture taken through a blue plastic bag?

Those sure are a lot of very blurry and noisy “photographs” alright... Feels like this is 10% photos and 90% fucking around in lightroom/photoshop/etc.

It’s not about the size of your population, it’s that you are resistant to the change. If you really wanted to, you could make the switch.

They have a paid service as well, which they’ve had from day one IIRC. The big issue here is that people expect everything to be free these days.

but I want a new experience each time” Yeah? How about you don’t fucking RE-MAKE a movie then? How about that wacky idea?

I will never understand why stuff like this has to be posted about on the internet by sites like Jez. Especially when the source might not be 100% reliable. I’m sure the kids in these situations really appreciate their personal family shit being dragged out in public for all to see. Whatever happened to privacy? (even

*scrolls down and random video from io9 starts playing for no fucking reason*

Having a high IQ doesn’t mean you’re smart.

And here we are, almost exactly a year later, and here it is yet again.