
Thanks for the tip on the Txx series, I’ll have to look out for the little brother version that sounds like it’ll be launched within the next month or so before deciding anything. Sounds like it might not have any weather sealing though judging from previous gens, but we’ll see.

As always when people mention mouse gestures for browsers, I ask, why just your browser? Use it everywhere with something like StrokeIt (can be a bit fiddly to get working right on Win10 since it’s so old now, but still my choice) or StrokesPlus.

My Nikon D7000 is starting to feel really old... I figure this is as good a place as any to throw the question out there. If I want to replace it, with something a bit smaller but still capable, what would that be? With a quick googling and very little research, the Fujifilm X-T3 popped up. It looks quite nice, but

“Sounds about white.”

Because all women are perfect and they never do horrendous things? There have been quite a few cases of women poisoning or in other ways kill patients (there was even a couple who killed together to keep their relationship alive). Does that mean all women need a male escort as well, or is it a case of a small number

That makes more sense, thanks.

I guess I’m spoiled by Swedish broadband. I have a few minutes of downtime a year, at worst.

No thanks, I’ll keep my computer (you know some of us use actual computers, right?) to an actual wire that is 99.99% reliable and can handle the speeds I need it to.

They did.

It wasn’t long since I watched this movie and I had completely forgotten about a “reveal” at the end. I thought about it long and hard before scrolling down and I couldn’t for the life of me remember it. I also couldn’t remember the kid being part of the movie until someone mentioned it in the comments.

Personally I saw that more as a kind of “easter egg” type of thing. A nod to another movie about a monster from space in the same time period (real time that is). It was on screen for what 5 seconds or so?

So, guys, how many of you caught yourself leaning forward slightly the further down the list you got?

ultra-realistic” Then things must’ve changed quite a bit in the six months or so since I took a look at some of these. They were very, veery, obvious fakes then.

They look much worse than they are. I own a set and I really like them for a home gym type situation. I can’t say I’ve ever felt that they’ve gotten in the way for me.
I should note that I’m a skinny dude. If you have giant forearms you might have issues (but then, you wouldn’t be using these in the first place as they

They look much worse than they are. I own a set and I really like them for a home gym type situation. I can’t say

Why y’all want to see a black man fail so bad smh” Really? Pulling the black card on this shit? You fucked up, simple as that, own up to it.

Must be nice to have so much money that you feel you’re having mental issues due to all the new shit that keeps arriving at your door...

Maybe they did, I don’t know. All I’m saying is that that episode was bad. It could’ve been good, I don’t mind the subject matter, but it was clumsy and very badly done IMO.

Sweet jeebus, the hyperbole and buzz words on that page. Man... “Military grade aluminium”, “Patented edge limits heel-toe motion to levels comparable to walking.”.

Sweet jeebus, the hyperbole and buzz words on that page. Man... “Military grade aluminium”, “Patented edge limits