
To those thinking “Family Guy *groan*”, I think you’re doing yourself a disservice. Give the show a chance, it has a bit of a bumpy start but I grew to really like it once it found it’s footing. To me it feels like a less serious TNG, in a good way.

“About a girl” was my least favourite episode by far. Unless you enjoy being hamfistedly beaten over the head with gender politics I would skip it.

Sure did, loved it. Who knew that a boat built for speed on calm waters would have any issues out in the rough open ocean.

This just reminds me that I really miss the comedy show “Whale Wars”.

Technically correct is the best kind of correct, huh? Just because they are legally allowed to do what they did, it doesn’t hurt them to give some credit to the original creator (which, btw, would drive more traffic to that creator, getting more exposure on that/those videos which in turn would drive in more clicks

Oh you would be surprised what “urethra”-sized can be... stretched to encompass... yeah, I ended up on that side of the internet one evening. Images still stuck in my brain *shudder*

I always find this kind of funny. You fight for equality, which I’m all for btw, but at the same time you do the same thing that men (usually) get shit for doing and are perfectly fine with it. If a guy had done this (even with normal bodies) there would be hell to pay.

I wonder how long the test drivers will last. Answering the same questions over and over all day long is going to get old real quick like.

Now playing

Life is all in your mind. If you believe it to be real, then it’s real.

“Meanwhile, London, a city where people can’t have guns, has a murder rate higher than New York, a city where people can have guns.”

It assumes that 1) Aliens give a shit about water and/or 2) there aren’t much easier ways to get it in the vastness of space of which we’ve seen but the teensy tiniest of a sliver.

I remember having two pictures on a floppy. One of Cindy Crawford in a bathing suit and one hardcore pic. Both took about 30-60seconds to “decode” to be able to view them IIRC. Those were the days.

“I never fully trust physics until I actually see them in action, so I had a hard time believing the Clipa would fulfill its claims”

“I never fully trust physics until I actually see them in action, so I had a hard time believing the Clipa would

“I have your passport”

Someone explain why they had to use CGI to fix the dress? Wouldn’t it be a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to dress the woman as she was supposed to be dressed?

“or maybe Less, a book that I found pedestrian, but Heard might like”

Soo... is there a reason why a 10 year old post is being promoted to me now?

I think the rapid aging only happens when you have some sort of conscience to put that sort of psychological strain on you to cause it.

Might I suggest that you should change your policy to believe nothing until evidence points you in a direction that seems likely? Just because these types of allegations have turned out to be true in the past, it doesn’t mean one should automatically believe them. That’s a slippery slope.

Takes 100 readings in a second.” Also known as “our sensor data is jittery as fuck so we have to average the hell out of it to get a decent reading”?