
“To its credit, Lyft did offer discounted rides to the polls on Election Day (yesterday), and some users report that they received the notification on the appropriate day (which, again, was yesterday).”

Well.. shit, Kinja ate my comment so here it is in short form:

Now playing

A few hundred pages of info to read here:

There are tons of small variations here as far as what materials to use (Dreve Fotoplast is what I’ve used as well as some Formlabs resins from work that I’ve experimented with), which drivers (I’ve gone with pre-built

The bible also tells you that it’s ok to own people, rape  women, murder women if they’re not virgins when they marry, murder gay people, oh and also murder anyone who doesn’t bow down to this so called benevolent god.

I started with really cheap ones, then bought slightly more expensive ones, then a bit more expensive and then I stumbled and fell down the rabbit hole of building my own and now I can’t go back. Stick with the cheapies people, unless you want to spend a lot of money and even more time, it’s addictive.

I’m not old. YOU’RE old. Shut up! :(

I thought we were trying to move past judging people by their skin colour?

I don’t even want to think about how much money these poor bastards have spent on having this asshat in their house.

To be fair, he’s far too inept to post those tweets on his own so he’s just dictating them to an assistant. So technically he isn’t using the phone himself.

Do you have proof of that or are you just repeating what you’ve heard?

Read a few of his latest posts and holy shit... Dude’s off the rails, wow.

I just responded to your comment about not having a cache of characters to pull from.

Kinda hard to get a cache started if you don’t... start?

Already happened here in Sweden. I understand why, but man, it sucks when you’ve gotten used to being able to buy small electronics components for next to nothing...

“Ooh, it’s magic!” There’s some incredibly basic science to explain how this works, and you might even have seen a live demo of it if you attended school.

“Ooh, it’s magic!” There’s some incredibly basic science to explain how this works, and you might even have seen a

What I don’t get is why the fuck they do it? It’s not like it’s their own bandwidth being “wasted”.