
Have you ever said anything negative about something you haven’t done better yourself? I’m betting... yes. Or have you never been critical of a movie for example?

It’s almost like people may have differing opinions on what movies they enjoy.

What’s so amazing about the button? It’s an on-off switch... Hyperbole much?

What’s so amazing about the button? It’s an on-off switch... Hyperbole much?

All this just for one alert, at a pre-defined time? Holy fuck, how can something like this cause such a huge impact in your life that you’re frantically trying to come up with ways to block it?

I’m so jealous of people going nuts over this. Wish I could feel that “kid on christmas morning”-glee again.

“It doesn’t help that Linux attracts its share of RTFM type of devs”

Wait... I’m a white supremacist for wearing Reebok shoes now?

People like this need to spend a few months living with the kind of money a normal person makes so they can get some fucking appreciation for the value of money. As an adult my mom has told me how tight the budget was when I was a kid which she managed to hide from me completely. There were days when she didn’t eat,

Are they the same size as the previous gen(s) or are they any more friendly to those of us with tiny heads?

Sounds like a lot of hand-wringing, no? Yes, it’s untested, because... it hasn’t been tested yet, that’s what they’re doing. Surely the risks don’t outweigh the potential gains here? Even if it fails horribly there will be lots of data to learn from.

I get replies to comments I’ve made years ago from time to time, it’s very confusing. Just like it’ll be for you now :P Not sure what their reasoning is for displaying posts from years ago.

Today I learned that how much you earn dictates how much you’re allowed to over-react.

One of the biggest ones, TabMixPlus, is not on Quantum. And it wont be, until/if the Firefox devs adds APIs for it to use since they removed the possibility of doing some of the things it does.

I’ve been using Firefox since it was called Phoenix about 15 years ago. I haven’t looked back yet, but the way they nuked a lot of extensions with the Quantum release made me come damn close to dumping them...

And as we all know, trans people cannot possibly also be assholes, right?

Unfortunately later the same day it was also decided that all internet services would be required to have a warning label cautioning users to the risk of cancer posed by browsing the internet.

It’s a sadness that people put any sort of significance behind “signs” in the year 2018.

As someone who works in technical support, I wouldn’t approve an RMA caused by stupidity. That type of damage falls outside of the warranty.

I don’t know about you but if I’m running half naked through the neighbourhood fearing for my life I’m not pressing the bell, waiting 5-10 seconds and then ringing it again.. I would be pounding that bloody bell repeatedly thus squeezing those 20-30 rings into the timespan of seconds.

Well, to be fair, the earth is only a few thousand years old for these people so they haven’t had a lot of time.