
What was the motivation behind this picture. What is he trying to convey? Jeebus..

Today I learned that a lot of people don’t buy rechargeable AAs and it just blew my mind.

Now have a guy do it and send every woman smaller than a C-cup home, see how that plays out in the media.

So what you’re saying is that the private citizens running these private companies aren’t allowed to express their free speech by choosing which people they allow onto their platform?

I wish I could have just one day where I don’t see something that makes me scream internally “How in the actual fuck is this reality!?”.

See, this is why no one likes you, spider. Why do you think I want a fly? Not only are they annoying when they keep messing with my food or being all up in my face, but they also carry decease. What’s wrong with you?

You know what cures sadness? Death, by fire. Alternatively, aerial bombardment.

You know your life is pretty stress free when something like this causes you to write an “article” about it. You should hang out with Diaz.

*Trump talked, it was super awkward

Never been a fan of comic books so I had no idea it was coming. I know, mind blowing, not everyone reads comics :)

This is the part where you post the link...

I can’t help but feel the entire look and feel of the piece is destroyed by that horrendous floral pattern.

Generally you don’t see a doctor unless you’re having a problem. She did see a doctor when she started having issues after she had had the lens in her eyelid asymptomatically for 28 years. Did you not read the post?

So who checks the terrorist in the big clump of people waiting to be scanned so he/she doesn’t blow them up?

The only time youtube listens, when it might hurt them financially not to... How many years has the comment system been a broken mess now?

Not to mention, feet are disgusting and should not be seen (I have the opposite of a foot fetish).

Ah, gotcha. I’m not putting desires and hope in it though and calling it evidence (I hate the “I don’t know, therefore god”-stance). All I’m saying is that when 99.99% of the universe is unknown to us it feels silly to deem our planet the blueprint for life when “life” potentially could have many many different forms

It’s very late and my brain isn’t going full speed at the moment so I’m not sure I fully understand what you mean? Everything starts with knowing zero before we get our first example/finding, that still doesn’t mean that it’s statistically relevant until we can repeat the experiment and get similar data consistently.

Statistically compared to what? We have a singular data point, you can’t draw conclusions about the entire rest of the (as far as we know) infinite universe on that.