
So in two days he couldn’t manage to get a knife/scissor/pliers/file/saw/controlled burn to get it off? I think it’s a good thing he probably wont be reproducing.

That gut wrenching feeling when you think “man, was the reporter in a rush and just trying to get down the gist of what he said?” and then realise that no, that’s the way he actually talks.

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Sorry, I can’t read that without this scene playing in my mind:

Flash doesn’t need Grodd, what Flash needs is more speedsters. There’s not nearly enough of them already, I think there’s been at least a couple of episodes without another speedster and that’s unacceptable, clearly.

Does he wear that hat sarcastically? I mean, it’s fucking huge, makes it look like he has a watermelon for a head.

“Like he’s photoshopped in there?”

I’m dissapoint :(

You make it sound like he’s perceiving reality like the rest of us. Don’t worry, in his mind this just means that he’s the best. I’m not sure how, my brain can’t quite contort itself that way, but in his mind it makes sense.

You got it right on the first guess.

How about “lights per length of a New York rat”? I think that’s about the same.

Man, that’s just too many lights per meter. You can barely fit two cars between some of them it seems. That would drive me completely insane to have to drive through.

Kids like to pull drawers out and hang from them or climb up them. You’re going to have to have a pretty significant baseboard to prevent tipping in those cases. The wall anchors are a very simple safety feature that takes a couple of minutes to install, people need to stop being lazy bastards and follow the damn

You’re going to have to be really fucking fit to go from standing around “cold”, apprehensive and full of adrenaline, to go into a short full run and then stop again without doing some panting.

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The young boys/men of that tribe take it for 10 minutes, while dancing.

Felt the same way. I was starved for some sci-fi so I gave it 6-7 episodes IIRC so it would have a decent chance of grabbing me, and I just couldn’t get into it. Pretty sure I fast-forwarded most of the last episode I watched just to get through it.

For CGI, yes, I would consider 14 years as being old. That tech moves quick.

I re-watched that movie just last night. It’s actually not that bad to be honest and the effects are surprisingly good for being so old.