
“Private”, yet everyone knows its name... That’s not what a private site is to me. Maybe I’m nitpicking though.

CNC milled out of a solid block of 18k yellow or rose gold with molecular properties that are proprietary to Apple.”

Yeah, that would be great, if sites actually allowed it and were able to handle it properly. I love when websites tells you to use 10 characters exactly and it has to have at least one number and one capital and only a-z is allowed. Great idea to tell any would be cracker exactly what to target...

That’s an actual person, just so you know heh. They don’t model these manually, they’re scans.

You're making the assumption that his upper body is fully functional.

I'm sure him being in a wheelchair has nothing to do with it...

Your comment isn't making yourself sound any less ignorant than the people you're raging against.

Yeah, laser sintering at home is a ways off indeed... Not only are the machines incredibly expensive, so is the material. And the build area needs a controlled environment. And you need to choose the correct material of literally thousands. Then you need to take into account any shrinkage during the process, deal with

That all depends on what type of printer you get. If you buy the cheap stuff, sure, the quality will be crap. But if you're willing to spend a bit, like with anything else, the quality will be much better.

Now playing

Looks like the "training wheels" you would use as you work your way up to using a single ring:

With a little help from ESA ;)

I would agree with you normally, but in this case I feel it was sort of justified due to the subject matter.

That poor guy getting dragged away by his lady... And the contrast with the girl in the white pants who can't contain her excitement :)

Silk screen, solder mask, resin, left over flux doesn't burn?

Because burning tons of PCBs is so environmentally friendly...

I don't think they actually know what they are for or against themselves. All they know is that they enjoy rape and murder.

"Body cameras, we're told, will change the game. But if you look back at how this tech has been used in America so far, we already know what's going to happen to the officers who shot Charley Keunang in Los Angeles: Nothing."

From all I've read, presence is exactly what the Vive is excelling at compared to the others. For example, Will from Tested said he had sustained presence in the Vive, something he had only had quick glimpses of in CB.

All that effort, money and resources just to replicate a drunk guy. I mean, really?

Why waste money on an expensive machine when you can make drugs by mixing random shit in a bath tub? Sure, it might kill off some of your customers but, meh, there's plenty more out there, right?