
This is so sad. Poor puppies. My mom fed our dog chicken and rice (and occasionally some veggies) for years and I always made fun of her but I'm getting a new puppy this summer and fresh homemade is looking more and more appealing all the time.

Uh wut? Youths these days.

What does this even mean??

I used to do this style all the time in college! So easy and it makes you instantly look classy as fuck. But ever since hunger games came out people immediately reference Katniss anytime I wear an angled braid. Bitch stole my look!

Those photos at Cosmo are shit. I need to see them sitting at a table together. I NEED TO SEE TO BELIEVE.

I've had to leave like a gabillion messages about my birth control this year for the poor nurse at my doctor's office. I felt so bad sending one that was like "uh so I know you just gave me this prescription two months ago but can you give it to me again but specify that they include the iron placebo? kthx." I felt so

The stupidest part is that I had to ask my doctor for a whole new prescription to get the iron pills. What? I wasn't aware I needed a prescription for iron. The pharmacist should be able to interchange those two based on people's insurance.

Aaanndd I just got the letter saying I have to switch to home delivery. Fuck everything.

This is exactly what I'm dealing with right now. It is the dumbest thing ever. So it's free if you put some iron pills at the end of the pack? Wtf?

Trying to get free birth control has been SUCH a nightmare for me. I finally settled for $30 a month which is better than the original $100something a month they wanted. I know I could fight harder and get s free version but I've switched my birth control 4 times in 2014 and I'm just so exhausted by it all. My doctor

This rant is my everything.

WHY DO I LOVE THESE SO MUCH? The hats in the thanksgiving one are definitely still my favorite thing.

It's the creepy beardlessness! It makes him look like a murdery man child :(

I was just starting to like Coach but I'm not that sad about him leaving. They definitely have WAY to many characters going on right now.

So basically this is exactly the same as Sims 3 Ambitions but with less new jobs? Cool. I'll keep playing Sims 3 over here.

I need answers


This description is the first thing that almost makes me want to watch this movie.

Is that scene at about 1:30 with Josephine getting twirled around a scene from the Josephine romance storyline?

:( I totally boned Cullen after Dorian was off the table. He wasn't nearly as interesting but at least he had nice broad shoulders.