
Yeah I felt crazy after I read that Polygon article. I couldn’t figure out if they had totally missed the point of the episode or I did. At least this reviewer seems to have watched the same show I did.

Ha honestly I’d watch that 

It depends on the show. This format is perfect for the types of shows HBO does for the most part, but a lot is lost when all shows just drop 10 episodes once a year. I miss holiday episodes. I miss the silly experimental episodes. I LOVED shows like X-Files and Buffy that ran for LONG seasons back in the day, but so

Going out to dinner is “partying”? 

Instagram absolutely has this option. You click the Instagram logo at the top left of the app and you can select “Favorite” or “Following” feeds. Not sure if on all devices but works on iOS.

  • There is drama happening amongst Carrie Fisher’s surviving children with Billie Lourd openly admitting that she left her siblings out of her mother’s Hollywood Walk of Fame induction ceremony, scheduled for Thursday: “The truth is I did not invite them to this ceremony,” said Lourd in a statement. “They know why.”

When I went to the hospital with concerns while pregnant they basically wouldn’t let me leave until my stats were 100% normal again. They were also in touch with my doctor the whole time keeping her up-to-date on what was going on and having her weigh in with the on-call doctor on their plan of action. I am in the US

Knowing nothing about this show… I definitely thought that was Julia Roberts.

Yeah that choice honestly blew my mind especially since she knew she was going to miscarry soon. I would not be traveling to a state my medical care could be limited if I were in here situation but no one should have to take that into consideration.

Absolutely agree, but that’s the case whether there’s a pandemic or not.

Would be interesting to see this data broken out by home births vs hospital births. A lot of women chose to have babies at home who would have normally gone to the hospital because they wanted to have their partner with them, avoid sick people, etc. I’m sure that made it tougher to intervene quickly in many cases. 

Looks like it’s a civil suit so he maybe gets a fine? Not going back to jail :(

Honestly, this timeline sucks and is not good news. They have been saying fall for months and now it sounds like early winter at the earliest. And this is only for kids 5-11, leaving preschools and daycares without the vaccine for who knows how much longer. The AAP has been trying to get the FDA to do an emergency

Can’t wait to read this!! Pre-ordered my copy and am currently stalking the Amazon delivery truck that is 6 stops away. Bring me my book!!

Seriously, was hoping this “guide” would just say “Step 1: Get vaccinated

Yes, everyone I know had a bandaid. I have always been given a bandaid when I get a shot even though it doesn’t actually bleed much.

Uh did they 3 out of 1000 pregnancies in that video?!!? That is not rare enough for me!!!

I don’t understand how he spent this much for only 5 days! His family must be massive or something.

My parents watch my kid at my house while I work from home and they literally turn this show on when they walk in the door at 8am and it doesn’t get turned off until after they leave for the day. They have already seen every episode multiple times in cable re-runs. I am 0% surprised by this info.

What?? This is Kinja DEALS. Since when do you just post links to random gift cards? Seems like reasonable confusion to me.

What?? This is Kinja DEALS. Since when do you just post links to random gift cards? Seems like reasonable confusion