This is exactly my thoughts. Almost $1000 for a couple of lines in the middle of a song? Seems totally fair to me.
Ok this is what I thought. I clearly should have read further before responding to a previous thread. But this is basically old news right?
I'm so confused by everyone's sentiments on this. I went to catholic school for 12 years and we were ALWAYS taught evolution. They always told us that Catholics don't take the Old Testament literally. That's only some Protestants. Was I lied to by dozens of teachers, nuns, and priests!?! I haven't considered myself…
I really wish I didn't know anything about Adam Baldwin as a person because I really enjoy his work most of the time. He just seems like the worst though.
There is an entire group of people who focus entirely on making Youtube videos of candles?!? I've seen it all. I can die now.
Oh my god his Christmas candle holder thing! He's so adorable!
I just can't get over the fact that Bath & Body Works was actually out of something. Our Bath & Body Works is so overstocked and there are never any customers in there so whenever you go in there a saleperson will come up to you at least every minute basically begging you to buy something. And I'm always like I DON"T…
Yes that is totally it! I need to find it on the Google now!
Does anyone remember a YA book where there was like a dollhouse in the attic and when one character looked through the dollhouse's windows she would see these scenes playing out. And she might have seen a murder or some sort of mystery? The dollhouse might have been a replica of the actual house? Was it a Mary Downing…
Wow I forgot about "Wait Till Helen Comes". Mary Downing Hahn was my shit for a few years, I think around middle school? Maybe it's time to reread a couple of her books.
I might watch it on mute for James Marsden.
Both of these descriptions are exactly what I would expect of these authors and it makes me super happy that they are true.
I cannot star this article enough. Nicholas Sparks is the worst. When I was 13 I thought Walk to Remember was the BEST MOVIE EVER MADE. Then I grew up. I don't understand why adult people like these movies about your high school boyfriend being your your true love foreverrrrr. There is no universe where I need to be…
Why does this video make me uncomfortable when Anaconda entertained me so much? I feel like an old.
I remember enjoying the first half of the books normally enough then being in a constant state of wtf for the entire second half.
I had this same problem with the books. Everything was going along fine and then bam! Clare's like "oh you had a terrible experience in the past? Let's reenact that to help you get over it." What? I would think they will almost certainly have to change the way a lot of stuff plays out towards the end of the book. It's…
and obviously as many have stated the material does not lend itself to a theme park that well
I am very confused by this. I know that hunger games is very popular and everything but is it really a cultural phenomenon on the level to warrant a theme park? The Harry Potter theme park is successful because there is an entire generation of young adults who feel their childhood was defined by Harry potter books and…
A guy literally stopped me in the grocery store the other night and basically forced me to engage in conversation with him. He was going on and on asking me all these questions about the area (I guess he had just moved here) and where to go out and everything but he would say it in a way like "You look like you know…