I'm really glad my cat is too fat for these kinds of aerobatics. Because this is definitely something he would try to do.
I'm really glad my cat is too fat for these kinds of aerobatics. Because this is definitely something he would try to do.
When my roommate was doing online dating she got dick pics ALL the time. Her favorite thing to do was randomly send out group messages while we were all at work with the latest dick pic. So I'd be like bored in a meeting, innocently checking my text messages and it was just like "DICK". Sigh.
The more I hear about this game, the more I think might be better off just picking up some of those last few Sims 3 expansion packsthat I never had time to check out.
I want to do this so bad but I don't want to start the game over ughhhh CONFLICT
I agree. And apparently there is some nonsense where you have to complete objectives to unlock all the clothing options?? Base games barely have any clothes to start! And there will be no clothing or furniture customization like colors and patterns. Boo do not want.
What is with this trend for EA? Old sims and dragon age games came out for Mac almost simultaneously and now they're just like "sorry it's not even on our radar" for new games in both franchises. Lame.
I'm pretty sure all sims 3 games came out on Mac simultaneously. It was actually the same disc. Maybe not for download though? All I know is I was still in college for the first few expansion packs and I bought those suckers up on release day and installed them on my Mac.
I hope Kim Kardashian personally approved this TARDIS reference
That's exactly what I was thinking. I must have these. I love everything about them. Size 6 please!
That's a good point. I forgot the type if person we are talking about here
This is cool looking and all but I would definitely get pissed off if I had to go up steps to accessorize when getting ready for work at 8am.
I knew from the intro that should read this but I clicked anyway. And then I just kept scrolling. I don't know how it happened.
Sometimes I think I'm a pretty weird person. Then I find out that functioning members of society are spending real time on this kind of stuff and I'm like "Nah I'm good".
Haha! I definitely remember a series about pirate brothers (who I think we're exiled dukes in disguise of course) that was a little traumatising at that age.
She has been saying she's writing a modern day Westmoreland book about their descendants for YEARS. At least 10. I'm thinking she might have kind have slipped into unintentional retirement which is reasonable since she's like 70 but sad because I totally want that book.
I used to sneak Judith McNaught books off my mom's bookshelf when I was in high school. I read every single one of her books. I even bought the ones my mom didn't have and hid them in my stuffed animal box in my closet. They will forever have a special place in my heart. Whitney My Love was my mom's favorite. I can't…
I can't believe it's already July and I haven't read a single trashy romance novel yet this summer! What am I even doing with my life right now? There are actually quite a few on this list I haven't read or heard of. "That Scandalous Summer" in particular sounds appealing. Waking up hungover in rosebushes? We should…
Did we know before that Ron left the Ministry to work with George?? That gave me all the feels.
Started singing the old theme song at my desk. Like a completely normal adult person.