I thought of that too. Isn't that movie supposed to be out soon too? With Anna Kendrick?
I thought of that too. Isn't that movie supposed to be out soon too? With Anna Kendrick?
I don't know how I played through all the Mass Effects without realizing how much some of that music sounds like the music when you're in line for Space Mountain.
My parents bought me Sims online when I was a kid because expansion packs for sims was a standard birthday/holiday present. It was quickly taken away when my mother figured out it was not a regular expansion pack. Rude.
I've been so strong. I skipped like the last 4 expansion packs for Sims 3. This looks awesome though. They're going to suck me right back into the money pit that is buying Sims games :(
UGH thank you! One of the girls in our book club INSISTED we read this last month and it was so so so bad. I like young adult lit. There are plenty of young adult books that I have read for the first time as an adult and loved. This was not one. This was like Jodi Picoult all over again. With an extra side of…
I did not realize this at all until a review of the episode where Terry died mentioned it. My shock was all the way. I believe I went to imdb to confirm because I was sure the writer had to be mistaken. Totally crazy.
Agreed. The bar doesn't have a way to tell who has bad intentions but at least this one is helping to make it more difficult for them. There's obviously a bigger problem but at least this bar is doing what they can now.
Aveeno used to have a bronzing lotion that was THE BEST. It gradually bronzed over multiple uses and it never looked orange or streaked. It gave me just enough color on my legs that I didn't feel ridiculously pasty wearing a dress in the summer but didn't have that tacky fake look either. When we realized it was being…
Whaaaat? There really is a fanfic for everything.
I did this same thing. I'd completely fallen out of gaming because life until about a year ago I saw a PS3 go on sale crazy cheap (this was right after PS4 was announced). Bought it on impulse and picked up some cheap games on Amazon (all three Mass Effects for $15!) my friend made fun of me for buying an old system…
However I have just discovered they are having a sale on their sports bras and NONE of the max support bras appear to be included. That just straight up pisses me off.
I'm probably going to get slammed for this but I love their sports bras. I am a 32D and I have a really hard time finding sports bras that fit well on the bottom and keep my boobs in on the sides. Usually I lay down to do crunches and my boobs just start going their own way.
Ok I thought I was just losing my mind since no one else seems to be perplexed by this. What the hell does this map mean?
That gif of Allison working out is everything that's right with the world.
Did anyone else read her young adult supernatural stuff? I love love loved those books in middle school. The Mediator books were my favs but I also like the 1-800-Missing series. They were published under a different name (Jenny Carroll maybe?) but they've since been re-printed under Meg Cabot. I read the first four…
I had Sorcerer's Stone on PC and GBC and Chamber of Secrets on PS2 and I LOVED them. I loved them so much that after I finished playing I made my dad play through them while I watched and yelled out instructions at him. I have no idea why he agreed to that but I thought it was the absolute best.
Those goddamn rats are why I never finished my GBC version. They were fucking everywhere!