When those madmen plummet us into another recession like the last time they were in power he’ll know he was wrong.
When those madmen plummet us into another recession like the last time they were in power he’ll know he was wrong.
I don’t get this attitude. I love Bernie, I donated to Bernie. But handing over the country to these lunatics out of spite if he doesn’t get the nomination is insane.
The tone in that first text sure changed abruptly.
I still don’t get it. If he had been obnoxious and waved one of those foam hands with the finger pointing up and started chanting: ‘I’m number one!’ Over and over again then maybe I’d get the complaining.
I don’t get why Sam Smith would need to apologize, he said he wasn’t sure if it was true.
Mad Max! Mad Max! Mad Max!
Anything but republican.
Yeah, I unsubscribed today. I have 25k warzone commendations on my toon and nothing to spend them on. PvP has been neglected for ages and the one hour story, like you said, felt like an extended recruitment mission. This isn’t enough content to keep me interested.
I don’t get it either. It’s like this entire party’s base wants to vote against their own self interest because ???
I don’t get this narative that Obama is a disappointing president. Over 9 milion jobs were created under him, business profits have gone up, the dollar has gone up. Healthcare is still far from perfect but it’s at least a step in the right direction. And this is after the nightmare he inherited from Bush, a congress…
LucasArts seems to have cancelled so many near finished games for no reason it’s bananas.
The montage of these they played was brutal.
Jango actually fights 3. Kills one in the arena, he thinks Obi-Wan fell to his death and loses to windu. So that’s 2 for 3. It’s still a horrible movie though.
I hope they don’t fuck this up by tearing each other down. I’d like Sanders to win, but I’d prefer Hilary over any of the looney tunes party.
Why would anyone bring this show back?
Dang, that sounds pretty awesome. But I tried to play Wow recently after many years and only lasted a few minutes before realising how dated everything looked. So I’ll still pass.
Really interesting interview.
I blame people voting against their own self interest. In Europe more people look at what parties benefit them personally. Over here when you ask someone about why they vote for a person: “because I’m a Republican” is a full answer. It’s mind boggling.
No shit, I moved here from Western Europe and 99% of the guys I met here don’t respect women why would the politicians?