
Counter-counterpoint: I don’t remember much about Future’s Void but could recite California in full if needed and it’s not even my favorite song on that amazing album.

I think in general I (unfairly) sophomore slump bands even if they don’t really deserve it, when its really just the more I love an album the less I already know I’m going to like the followup no matter what it is. Loved Past Lives, Alligator and Cerulean Salt to death but then hated Future’s Void, Boxer and Ivy Tripp

Haven’t given this a listen yet, but, I’m pretty hyped for it. The Future’s Void never fully landed for me but Past Life Martyred Saints is about as good as a debut album can be.

who knew a cartoon about a talking horse would become one of my favorite things to watch. can’t wait for this.

Some Days Are For Dying

Fuck you AV Club. The new site sucks and (more importantly) the new comments section is fucking deplorable. One of the biggest draws to this site is the thoughtful and hilarious discussion in each post and you officially shot that all to shit with this new ‘upgrade’.

Not sure, but I think they are indicating a world that has emptied out, while the previous one was still fairly full, but falling apart. It’s been a while, so the world looking different doesn’t bug me all by itself.

Thank you kind sir, have a... star???

Maybe....maybe things won’t be so bad after all.

Oh dear sweet lord, you made it. I feel a little better.

WHO THE FK CAN DISLIKE THIS I CAN THINK Of 3 I am not sure if I spell them correctly

Do firsts even matter anymore? What’s happening? there a way to see which TV posts are reviews, which are news, and which are longform pieces?

Yummy Dikagoo. No I will not rephrase.

goo me baby

So the very first story published after the switch to Kinja begins with:

I’m not waiting for permission... I say its time for our commenters to crack each others’ heads open and feast on the goo inside.

It’s just cold in here, alright?!

Nice tongue-in-cheek headline there, folks.