
Ugh. "SanFran." Go back to Modesto.

Does the D. In JD stand for 'Douche'? There were real live people living there and there is a problem in this country where no one really cares for low income people. All of these cities want to be 'sanitized' if you dont fit into a certain socio-economic demo you're basically toast. San Francisco is a hard place to

For me, Justin Bieber has always been the Slender Man.

Maybe it should be "... and passed THE TEST organized by the University..."

I think shits and giggles are two of the best reasons in the world to do almost anything. But I am a nobody, not a fancy movie actress.

It's not really nitpicking to expect that people who get paid to write for a living should proofread their work before posting. Nitpicking MY sentence structure and spelling would be pedantic, but nitpicking the work of a professional is called "critique". Back in the day, they used to have editors and such. Now,

"...and passed the organized by the University..."

i know they were saying that in 90ties, but i thought this no wet food idea was already killed, as they found out that it's the dry food and especially the ash content that's causing urinary problems. also fk the dry food - again, barely any proteins, full of might as well serve nachos to your cat....

Now playing

Dear Friskies, Imma let you finish, but this is the best cat video of all time:

You might mention this is a promotional video for Friskies. I mean, it's a nice video (shades of Henri the French cat), but it's also advertising. Not simply someone's creative endeavour.

But this is such a heart-warming acknowledgment of a truly brave deed. Fuck their privacy when I have a chance to feel good.

He asked for privacy so we're going to take our feels and publish his photos, he and his fiancee's registry and keep his name in the press on our international website.

Although also, what is up with the scenery? It all looks like it was taken in the desert. THERE ARE PLACES IN THE US THAT HAVE GRASS. It doesn't all have to be this Depression-era, dust bowl, washed-out setting.

"Twenty-five. Three tons of him. With lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes."

Really, it's no less creepy coming from her.

Same. Apparently my husband did the 'ol ask for my hand in marriage and my dad's response was, "well you'd better ask her - I don't care."

Pretty sure my dad would have refused to participate in something like this even if I had ever asked.

Maybe it's just me, but all I can see are child brides in their wedding portraits. Those poses are super creepy and couple-y. Not how I looked when I posed with my dad at my wedding, or any pictures. Ergh.

As a liberal parenting atheist...

The one thing that pisses me off about modesty culture is that no one ever demands men to be role models for young boys. Charlie Sheen has done much worse things than Rihanna, and there are plenty of young boys who think he's cool, and yet there isn't one article about how he's a bad role model. If you're going to be