
She's a beautiful woman, and more power to her and her boobs, but if I were to offer any advice, it would be not to let them swing free too long or too often, for they'll not retain that youthful resilience forever.

Forgive me, but that dress is hideous in every way. Ill fitting, odd, extremely unflattering in fit, color, style... The make up and hair does nothing to help. Blech.

That was Malcolm McDowell, I believe.

Whatever works for you, honey. You remarked and were asking (repeatedly) why people were so offended. I was telling you why. I didn't say you were...I said you were being... You def need a lesson in semantics.

Others have apologized for being condescending, but I won't any longer. You're being a self-righteous prig about this. Your refusal to get out of your own way for a minute is increasingly annoying and reeks of unbridled youthful idealistic enthusiasm. Nothing wrong with youth, idealism or enthusiasm, but speaking as

If you can't see how folks would be offended by your remarks and your attitude, then you are not interested in discussing anything, you're pontificating. (Self-righteousness is not attractive.) Being intractable about something is not necessarily a good thing in all cases. You FEEL these things are immoral. There are

It may be semantical, but perhaps it's your choice of the word "moral". It impresses a feeling of judgment that is unwarranted - much like my Great Aunt Tillie believes that homosexuals are committing an "immoral act". You've attached this odd grading system to otherwise normal behavior. Choosing to wear clothes from

It's because your continued and fervent insistence that eating meat is immoral is judgmental, plus it's merely your opinion. From the number of people disagreeing with you, I'd have thought you would have figured that part out. Your quantifying it as "an immoral act" doesn't help. Make an argument about how you believe

That makes me happy. :)

Before the apocalypse - when San Francisco was taken over by corporate giants and the internet economy/tech bubble - there was a store called Gump's, on Maiden Lane. They had the puppy/kitten holiday displays in their window for YEARS & YEARS. Seriously. Then they couldn't compete with the flagship Macy's, the

I agree - If it had been "I feel better as a toned, not flabby, size 8" no problemo.

I think the whole thing is hideous. Blech.

I have a friend who seems to disregard entirely that I have not seen this episode yet either, that I am not involved with the production of this or any television show, and I am not clairvoyant. "Who's that guy?" "Why'd he do that?" "Is she gonna die?" etc. etc.

Thank you - very kind of you. :)

Seconded. At this very moment, those are the only words that are keeping me going.

Shit band or no, as I read it, by bringing up a long-dead TV show, the OP was questioning his general relevance, not his specific appearance at this particular event.

Seriously? Jared Leto may not be a mega-star by your standards, but by no means is he off the radar. Critically acclaimed roles out the wazoo, including Mr. Nobody, the upcoming one with Matthew McConaughy - Dallas Buyers Club - Lord of War and Requiem for a Dream, just to name a few. He's worked consistently but

Wondering the same thing - vibrant, perhaps?

As stupidburner999999999999999999 mentioned, Graboid rocks. I don't have cable or even regular TV, but I watch 95% of all tv I want to watch, including UK & Australian shows for $20 per month. Download em, put em on USB (or dvd) and watch em. (You can stream a lot of them too.) I don't even use my netflix anymore.

Oops, false assumption on my part! Shows you how much attention I paid to THAT movie. :) It was very Disney of Bluth. (wasn't he the all dogs go to heaven guy?)