
Iceberg c. 2035

You missed the last episode of Lost, huh?

When I first read the title I thought the cannon was for aiming at the mouth of the volcano in hopes of making it erupt more frequently to “let off steam” instead of erupting at longer intervals with more force.

Pretty sure the “Unites States Senate.” is a dog call (or whatever) to his secret Qanon loyalist base to, I dunno, conspire to storm some damn thing like idiots again.

Spellin’ good is for pussies and liberal homos!

“Unites” is still an English word.

That is not what circular logic means. They are simply saying the halo that represents what they believe is dark matter because dark matter is defined as the thing they cant yet quantify. As in, its gotta be DM because it matches the definition the astro-community already recognizes. Dark Matter, whether you believe

It’s only circular if you reduce it to it’s simplest form. If you expand it to it’s more fuller explanation, it’s less circular: According to what we know there must be something or somethings that is exerting a gravitational effect that accounts for what we’re seeing that also doesn’t interact with light, which until

Dark matter is the gravitational anomaly seen in in the spin of galaxies. It would be more correct to say that we know there’s a warping of spacetime not accounted by the counted matter, and that warping is certain, so there must be a cause (we aren’t just measuring things wrong and the warping isn’t lens scratches).

Eyes and tongues missing:
This one is easily explained.Those are some of the first parts eaten by carnivores- especially small ones,birds etc
Source; a lifetime of living on farms

I’m disappointed how far down I had to scroll to get to the most obvious explanation.

Probably my most awaited movie.

Still one of the best Disney movies.

Finally, my stubborness to stick with my iPhone 5 is finally paying off.

Thank you!  These slideshows can fuck right off.

Sorry, I was being sarcastic. We are in 1000% agreement.

Flocked Up Beyond All Recognition???

Streisand effect in full force.