Rube Goldberg's Razor

She’s also died at least twice since Wrath. Once shortly after the Arthas died in one of the short stories posted online and once thanks to Godfrey. Valkyr keep rezzing her but she’s running out of them since they essentially trade their lives for hers. It was her motivation for the whole Stormheim shenanigans with

Honestly, I thought the best way to deal with her would’ve been to have her take Helya’s place in being sealed in Stormheim’s underworld. She’d get to live, manage undead, and be as goth as she wanted to be. They could’ve given her a redemption arc to go with her new responsibilities given how Legion started but they

Should’ve put the goblins in charge, but noooooo.

Sixty votes were needed to include the proposal in the appropriations legislation under Senate rules.”

It's always bullshit when a coach with complete hegemony over a program says they don't know ANYTHING about a situation that relates to a player/staffer.

You’re not wrong.

Can urban fake another heart attack to get off of this situation?? He is the only man in America that would make Greg Schiano look like a nice guy. 

This is why I drink my can of beer with my pinky raised; we must remain civilized in all things, lest we lower ourselves to the level of the rabble.

Cramer, according to Phillips, “is not leading on the issues where this country needs leadership the most right now.” He added that “if Cramer doesn’t step up to lead, that makes it hard to support him.” AFP CEO Emily Seidel agreed, saying, “Why would Cramer listen to this network if they knew we’d just support him

Sweater / dress shirt is super trad and A-OK.

Collective memory is too short! Ugh! Right now, all they know Ollie North as being is “Mr. NRA”, not “Mr. Arms Trader To The Enemy”.

Ollie North, anyone? 

Can I get a chart showing the date where everyone who has left the Trump administration was told that they had the president’s full support, and the date when they were told/decided to leave?

Honestly. So many military crooks have served in government, but some people still refuse to stop sucking off the troops 24/7.

A reminder that not every retired, high-ranking officer is a man or woman of honor and integrity. (Joe Scarborough and Donny Deutsch, are you listening?). Some are just garbage. No amount of medals or commendations can conceal it.


To be fair the next 2.5 years will certainly feel like at least a fucking decade. 

Thanks for writing this. I hate the guards on the show so much, I can’t believe how terrible they all are. I don’t know what it is like in prison but I found myself watching and really hoping that this isn’t the norm.

That final bit was completely heartbreaking. I don’t know why I watch this show anymore; it’s got moments of greatness that can only be found by slogging through hours of pretty predictable writing.