Rube Goldberg's Razor

She also told Jewel she didn’t want to bad-mouth her because God already did, which is my personal favorite roast joke ever.

You making mistake Bush & Cheney wanted you to make, which is including Iraq and Al Qaeda in some amorphous, sinister “them” who in reality had no connection to each other.

Oh lord the Trailer Swift, that’s gold.

Nikki Glaser killed it at the roast last night but then again, she always does. Love her!

ugh for fuck’s sake. she’s not a comedian. Roasting someone you know and love isn’t that easy, she made a dumb joke. How is this news?

The other thing to note, of course, is the use of anabolic steroids in achieving that look, which are definitely unhealthy over the long-term.

*fans self, pretends not to be a 1 on the Kinsey scale*

I always hide a six-pack under a bunch of water, too. It’s in a cooler at the beach, but it’s totally the same thing.

Even Pratt once said, “me only look like this because it my job. No normal person should spend this much time at gym or thinking about supplements.”

Sandler’s actual acting has never been his problem so much as his sense of humor.

I’d call it worth it for the Pigeon Shit Theatre restaging of Neo and Morpheus Enunciate Again.

So a standard Mark Millar project then? There’s also the requiste gay panic--even the “oxfords, not brogues” comes down to signalling a proper kind of masculinity. I get that the choreography of the church scene is great, but that’s exactly when I hit my limit watching the movie and when I rolled my eyes for this

Eh, I know this is sacrelig, but it’s also true, but Keanu was never worse than any other “minimalist” actor, like, say, Eastwood or Costner. The only difference is Keanu always seemed to be enjoying himself and Americans have a problem with people enjoying themselves at work. If Keanu had been more dour and serious

I find Kingsman completely impossible to enjoy due to it being a classist, far-right fantasy falsely labeled as nihlistic. It endorses the idea that democracy is a joke; that there are people who are just better than everyone else, who the rest of us should just shut up and let run the world. Even the church fight,

It really feels like a middle-chapter for which the third part was abandoned.

"Skyfall" is actually my pick for greatest film in the franchise, and I've seen every entry. It might not be iconic like "From Russia With Love" or "Goldfinger", but everything from Sam Mendes' tense direction to Roger “The Academy Must Actively Hate Me, Why Else Would They Snub Me Thirteen Goddamn Times” Deakins'

Also, did National Treasure come out before, or after, Troy? Because one of those movies introduced the American cinemagoing public to the Germanic charms of Ms. Diane Kruger, and I'm not sure which one it was…

Hardly; you forgot Sean Bean playing a character who doesn't die! :-D

The battle scene when the Greeks first land on the beach was no slouch either. And the duel that introduces Achilles is still remembered fondly. That movie was boring in parts, because the melodrama was too ham-handed, but the action scenes were pretty much all great.

DiCaprio absolutely kills it in that movie. He's the main reason I liked The Departed.