Rube Goldberg's Razor

Doubtful it’s against the law. He probably pays her phone bill, so it’s probably his phone.

By that measure, anyone playing sports is in the same category.

On the contrary, the physical elements of esports are far closer to golf than chess, with continuous, repetitive strain on a limited part of the body. Doing any kind of motion with precision at 300-500 actions per minute is killer on that part of the body and requires the same kind of muscle buildup and endurance as

How much vetting did they really need to do, though? Isn’t that like, the new standard issue white supremacist douche haircut?

YEP. Yep, that is pretty much what she expects. Which is extra hilarious since my parents then insisted they voted for Trump because Clinton would “increase their health insurance premiums.” But yeah, sure, an entire doctor’s appointment for condoms wouldn’t do anything to drive up health care prices and waiting

Isn’t it weird how “pro-life” leaders work so hard to increase the abortion rate? It’s almost like their commitment to pro-life policies only extends to passing laws regulating what women can do with their bodies, and not to actually reducing the number of abortions (let alone supporting non-fetal life).

Isn’t it weird how “pro-life” leaders work so hard to increase the abortion rate? It’s almost like their commitment to pro-life policies only extends to passing laws regulating what women can do with their bodies, and not to actually reducing the number of abortions (let alone supporting non-fetal life).

This is not very metal at all, Glenn Danzig.

I know, early voting yada yada, but this country and its voters just fill me with despair and disgust.

They do not care. I’ve made this comment here before but it bears repeating, the Republicans do not believe all this dirt coming out about Trunp because they made up “crisis” and “scandals” and “ethics problems” out of thin air when it came to Hillary and Pbama so they think the left is doing the same now. They KNOW

That the perfect drama-free black Harvard lawyer has to be now compared to the inept, possibly demented, pussy grabber white con artist is baffling. This is proof that America is still a deeply racist place. Talking about racism: imagine if Gianforte were black.....just imagine that.

i think one of the things that angers me/shocks me/saddens me the most about trumps presidency is that if Obama had been accused of any of the daily shit we find out about trump, he would be in handcuffs and impeached immediately. yet trump supporters/republicans defend trump and basically say “nothing to see here,

Per the update of the article I assumed it was the FOX crowd. “Jacobs scrambled to his knees and said something about his glasses being broken. He asked Faith, Keith and myself for our names. In shock, we did not answer.” Maybe he continued asking people.

That is the dumbest legal definition of assault. Sounds tailor-made for abusive spouses, who as we all know tend to be experts in causing invisible bodily injury.

Maybe my opinion is unpopular, but I dunno. I kinda feel like, I hope this goes well for her. I think it is REALLY unfair to say this is lower than the Mama June shit. Because CHILD MOLESTER.

I’ll always have a seat for you - next to me. Normally, like you, I try not to crow about deaths - even Bin Laden’s - but I feel like a party. This scumbag has put this nation in grave peril with his propaganda machine and elevated failed rock jocks to positions of power (Hannity etc). May he be painfully sexually

So, when Scalia died, all my friends were like, WHOO HOO! PARTY TIME IN AMERICA! I quietly said nothing, and although I agreed with the sentiment that the SCOTUS and country are better off without him anywhere near a position of power, I recognized that he was still a human person deserving of basic human dignity (we

Thank you! It’s my favorite — another commenter made it, and I snagged a copy. If my graphics skills were better, I’d put a little, “designed by” tag at the bottom of each one!