Trump and his team have used private email for official business, grossly mishandled classified - and incredibly sensitive - information multiple times since the election. (That’s not even counting the similar issues that Trump appointees engaged in before he appointed them.) Trump never actually believed any of the…
I am just going to leave this here and let it marinate in the shittiness of the past few months:
I’m more upset about the idea of no more Melissa McCarthy skits.
I always wondered how they come up with stories as patently absurd as Pizzagate and other similar wacko alt-right conspiracy theories, and now we know, it’s because they do similar things themselves and probably assume it’s the same on the left. Sigh.
So they are fine with being blatantly disrespected by corruption out in the open but they draw the line at corruption on the down low? I fucking hate people with no integrity.
None of the above. It was actually an immutable law of the universe.
I see Betsy DeVos curriculum is making the rounds.
Yeah, remember *all those* Obama administration scandals?
I had to skip a school Mother’s Day brunch today because I live in a “Big Little Lies” town (minus the ocean) and attend the same type of school as in the series and my central nervous system could not take listening to republican bullshit come out of their bitchy mouths. So here I sit with my compatriots on Jezebel…
“And of course, I’ve heard two Trump voters in my office say today: “The corruption is just open now. Obama and Clinton were even worse in secret.”
I feel ya. I can’t even hate Trump; we all knew a his presidency would be the Mother of All Shitshows. It’s the fucking “real Amurrkinz” who voted for his dumb ass. When faced with all this corruption, incompetence and plain old stupidity on a daily, sometimes HOURLY basis, they still can’t admit they fucked up.…
Oh, they are going to rationalize this behavior until their death beds because they REFUSE to believe that a Republican president could possibly be more corrupt than Obama or Clinton.
I remember the time Obummer (that’s what we say, right?) golfed every single weekend at his own resorts and was able to cost the government millions of dollars that he profited off of, too.
Threatening Comey while also hinting he may just cancel press briefings in their entirety today. Jesus titty fucking Christ.
That’s a great point! The first Rebellion had little to do with the War of the Roses. He probably WAS maligned by Tudor propaganda, that was a very important part of securing legitimacy after the official end of the Plantagenet Dynasty- marriage alone probably wasn’t enough. But, at most, that would’ve been just…
Me, too.
Same. I was thinking, “Is U his middle initial or something?” So confused.
Came here to say this. Not to make light of the original story in any way, but I was sooooo relieved to realize I read the headline incorrectly.