Rube Goldberg's Razor

I’ve really crossed over in the last few years between thinking that these attacks were about abortion to realizing that it’s really just an expression of their hatred of women and the poor. Closing low income clinics and restricting access to cheap birth control is a way to get them both at once. Then when you

Sooo they’re trying to block abortion by denying funds used for contraception, which is actually the most efficient way to *prevent* abortions. This “pro-life” movement is not really about preventing abortions. It’s about (and always has been about) policing the sexual behavior of women and limiting their family

I think Peter MacNicol’s infuriated “This is an elementary school!” in response to the first Jonah quote is the hardest Veep has ever made me laugh.

You’re very cool. Congratulations on being very cool.

People boasting about their emulation setup:gamers::people boasting about their fantasy teams and poker beats:sports fans

Hey, good for you, but you could say that about a lot of consumer items. Some people don’t have the time or skill for these things and would rather just buy one ready made.

Agreed! I had a friend who said she just “doesn’t really get it?” and I had to seriously consider our relationship

45 really really wants everyone to forget that the Republicans couldn’t agree on exactly how to fuck their constituents to serve their benefactors.

Some of warned this was going to be the effect.

“She was a very gentile, lovely lady...” I didn’t know Muslims were Gentiles.

They were puppies.

“Is This What Parties Are Like Now?”

“condoms were just the tip”

Law & Order taught me that the massage parlors always pay off the cops so they leave them alone.

I also liked this bit:

I know how insensitive some people around here are and they’re going to make terrible jokes but this is knot funny. Those hilarious Gawker stragglers always rub me the wrong way. Anyway, I hope these ladies have a happy ending someday.

“It’s not the normal tip you would get…”

“The people” did come in, raising for him a total of $253,000 (most of it from tens-of-thousands of independent contributors) in a few weeks when it became clear this was going to become competitive.

While I’ve read Moby Dick, I always hear this line as delivered by Montalban.

Hi there, Internet Commentator.