Rube Goldberg's Razor

Ooh a fellow Old! I should’ve scrolled down in the comments before asking that same question myself XD

But how else will the police know how much smarter I am than they?

That would probably be a really good defense if it wasn’t also accompanied by bank statements showing transfers of money from the celebrity to the drug dealer.

Typical drug-related schmuck stuff about not-to-say-anything-what-are-you-stupid-you-idiot.

“From hell’s heart I grind at thee Dick Tree!”

His streak of futility was impressive, but nothing compared to Generalissimo Francisco Franco’s streak of being dead.

I’ve argued Westbrook’s case for MVP to death, and these guys will be here tomorrow. And again, they’re arguing that Harden’s case is his team is not quite as far away from the Warriors and Spurs as the Thunder.

My mom just told me that some people don’t find someone, and that’s okay!

Does it have to be women only or can dudes sign up too?

When you realize Omarosa found someone who is OK with being married to her, but you haven’t made it past a first date in almost 3 years.

What are you, a “snowflake” who needs a “safe space”? (Yeah, I REALLY can’t wait until this trash takes itself out.)

It’s me and a group of 400 teenagers in a sweatshop in Moldova I pay to post for me.

Wait wait wait Bannon called Kushner a cuck? And Kushner is married to Ivanka. So if he’s a cuck she is cheating on him because he’s not man enough. And we all know who she’s sleeping with if not her husband. You heard it here first people, Steve Bannon just confirmed that Donald Trump is indeed having sex with his

Actually, I’m pretty sure that McCain got a hold of one of the Infinity Gems and used it to alter time and reality on behalf of ISIS.


Allen Edmonds has shoes up to EEE and my AEs are the most comfortable dress shoes I own (including tennis shoes)....I’m sure you could go to one of their stores and get fitted for some that would look decent and actually not kill your feet. But for sneakers, yeah, you’re screwed.


Read the sentence after that.

She understand them when they talk to her she just doesn’t respond back.

Shailene is busy filming the new, live-action Mulan.

Hey... what’s a feral girl like you doing in a classic Rudyard Kipling setting like this?