Side note: it really annoyed me when people referred to the Clintons as a “dynasty” during the election. Two politically ambitious people being married does not a dynasty make. They aren’t the fucking Kennedys.
Side note: it really annoyed me when people referred to the Clintons as a “dynasty” during the election. Two politically ambitious people being married does not a dynasty make. They aren’t the fucking Kennedys.
And call them the Lightening.
All of my LGBTQ friends either voted third party or are liberal. It was a smack across my face to see the surprisingly large amount of LGBTQ folk who vote against themselves. :(
*Starts imagining the adult version of said MMORPG*
I don’t think he has any particular hatred for the LGBTQ community, at least not any higher than his hatred for all other non rich white male groups.
I sure do!
He was going to be the most LBGTQ friendly President ever! He had no conservative social agenda. He even let Caitlyn Jenner piss in the women’s room at Trump Tower. What a great guy!
Then when they actually move to Vegas Trump can talk about how he brought all those jobs back to america.
“They’re not sending their best. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, don’t play for the Raiders.”
Remember when people told us that Trump had always supported ‘the gays’ and that Hillary was an evil monster who only supported them because it was politically convenient?
If anything this further proves that all politicians are the same on every single issue. I know this because an idiot non-voter told me so.
Well there it is, the best comment I’ll read on the internet today.
The thought of the Redskins leaving DC brings a smile to my face.
Sea Bass kicking 70 yard field goals in Mexico City’s altitude. This I can get behind.
They do that and Trump will add a 20% tariff.
The name Molok, is a little to close to the name Molek to be coincidence. Molek is a Cannaite deity. People would sacrifice their children to it. And the ship Molok is one that stores 100 human corpes for ritualistic practices. I think the developers are getting their names from Cannaite history.
This is a pretty great idea! Which unfortunately means the NFL will ignore it...
This is a terrific idea. Having spent time in Mexico City, you see a LOT of people in Raiders gear, there really does seem to be a fan base there.
It’s easy to brand yourself as a policy wonk when all your like-minded colleagues’ basic philosophy is “Fuck Policy.”
That shit was fucking ridiculous. “Under Obamacare, healthy people pay money that goes to pay for sick people’s procedures.” Congratulations, you just described THE CONCEPT OF INSURANCE. It’s like how I (a good and safe driver who has never been in anything more than a fender-bender) pay car insurance fees that go to…