Rube Goldberg's Razor

The theory was that they all died in the plane crash and that the island was purgatory - that everything that happened on the show was purgatory. That was not the case. Half of only the last season took place in an after life (in the LA metro actually, not on the island), not any part of the rest of the show.

So if

IMO Fargo has done a consistently good job with it’s casting. I’m going to be optimistic and hope that Noah Hawley and team think something about Rock’s style, deliver, presence, etc. is perfect for this character they’ve created. 

Funny, I thought the UFO angle made it the most interstellar.

3 is the only season I haven’t seen yet and I’m in purgatory waiting for it to come on Hulu.  

“is just free-associated bullshit some guy dreamed up.”

Has anyone seen Dan Brown lately? Because this sounds like an especially bad Dan Brown plot. 

So much this. I was talking to two of my friends who I usually agree with political, but despite their liberalism, they have a deep attachment to Christianity (I’m in the Bible Belt). We’re currently in a lot of debates about medical marijuana here now and I made a comment about how I personally use marijuana. That

Based on what you can see from the packaging, this appears to be the butcher they used if anyone is interested:

Don’t forget, they’re also useful for giving Splinter bloggers something to rail against.  

I get so confused by trolls like this. My coworker who bought an AR-14, my two cousins, my uncle, the multiple clients I had with them when I practiced in a small Oklahoma town, ALL claim to have spent money on this gun (and it’s not a cheap investment for the average person) because it’s a superior weapon to the

If I was Hannity, I’d be asking why Trump recommended I use the same lawyer that Giuliani is now calling incompetent, corrupt and a known liar.

Sometimes you throw a person a bone when you’re trying to win a bigger point.

I’m a property lawyer who spends all day arguing with bankers who don’t have law degrees but think they know more about the law than me. Sometimes I’ve got to kiss their ass a bit to get them to lower their defensiveness and actually open

Ugh.  I worked as an independent contractor for a year.  I ended up setting up a new second savings account and transferring a third of each pay check into that for when tax time came. 

It depends on what kind of business you’re in. Me - a salaried professional with no other income and no ownership interest in a company - it’s super easy and I wouldn’t dream of paying someone to do it for me.

My dad? He wasn’t a wealthy guy, but he worked for the same closely S Corp for 40 years. After about 30 years


He’s gone. If there was no one else for OSU to go after then maybe they would cling to Meyer more, but when you have Ohio native Bob Stoops sitting on his ass bored out of his mind waiting to come out of retirement, I think you have an easy out for replacing Meyer. 

In regards to your “I certainly never want it to become Oz” comment, I was rewatching Season 1 last week before Season 6 premiered and in Heeley’s first conversation with Piper, he says to her “This isn’t Oz.”

Time is money friend!

Shh.. Don’t let that stop everyone from blaming the Democrats. This is Splinter. Elected Democrats have become a bigger villain than Trump.

They co hosted a piece with the Root today calling the Democratic party racist that shows up on my Facebook page next to a photo of Hillary Clinton. Remember that no matter what

My parents go to church  with this unbearable piece of shit and I used to get to spend a week every summer at his southern baptist rape camp. Fucking piece of shit. 

Yeah, but after the House votes to impeach, you then have to convict the impeached person of that crime in a trial where essentially the whole Senate is your jury. I suppose, theoretically, if you got enough Senators to vote, it doesn’t matter what the rationale is, but it’s a lot easier to prove someone has broken a