Rube Goldberg's Razor

In all fairness, Topher’s character in 2004's  In Good Company was exactly the type of young businessman that all of the Trump and Kushner kids try to emulate. So it isn’t a huge surprise to me that Ivanka was in to him in the years after that movie came out. 

Try looking for a Good Will Hunting gif.  That movie is full of “fahks”

Ugh. My uncle is one of Kristol’s independent senate candidates (Missouri). I’m already sick to death of hearing about this bull shit. I barely talk to my uncle anymore but he called me on my birthday and I got to listen to a life long Republican who just became an independent a year ago lecture me on how bad both

My takeaway here is that Donald Trump’s most unbelievable accomplishment is making me agree with the Koch brothers on something for the first time in my life.

We did get some fucking awesome literature out of it though. So points?

I had a much higher opinion of the scene with Piper and Taystee.  I agree it wasn’t exactly set up well-it kind of comes out of nowhere-but I think it delivered.

My former WoW guild was mostly young adults in their 20s and 30s, but they recruited a couple high schoolers in there. Our humor was very much in the gutter. Some officers decided it would be fun to put up a channel on our discord to post images, videos, etc. from members favorite porn videos, porn stars, porn sites

I imagine all of these people behind the scenes who put up with this dream of being on air talent and one day. And they probably tell themselves once you get on air and can write your poorly researched pundit book that will require minimum effort but is guaranteed to sell millions of copies, then you’ll be rich,

The language in your initial comment is ambiguous. Did the best friend work for Newsome or did the wife? If the wife worked for Gavin and he slept with her, then you have presumptive improper relationship and workplace sexual misconduct.

Deadwood, especially it’s first season, is just so freaking Shakespearean.  From its moral complexity to its amazing cast of characters to its use of iambic pentameter.  Fantastic show. 

I don’t want to hear in some off-hand remark on a spinoff series that a favorite character who survived GOT was tortured to death or something.

Gray came back with her experience reporting on the Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez rally in Kansas, where she said that within a ten minute car ride she was able to convince a Trump voter that Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez have the right ideas about what needs to happen to fix America.

I’m just shocked Splinter missed the opportunity to turn this into a Pro-Bernie piece.  

Yes, wanting one room on campus where people don’t call you a fucking fag or sinner for being gay in the American south is ignorance.

Bill Simmons career is like Ready Player One if Ready Player One was 80s wrestling, sports, and non nerd movies.

What leaders of the Democratic establishment were present and endorsing this? I see the names of two, not very prominent, elected democrats mentioned here. Is this actually a thing that has momentum or are we just being angry that some guy with money put on an event? 

You’re the real MVP. 

They did this before in either the Prepatch to MoP or WoD. I don’t remember it causing as many problems back then. Of course, when the actual new content drops and players start getting better gear, the issue with over powered enemies at the top level ranges is going to get worked out very quickly. So perhaps my

Dammit. Take your star. 

Based on what I hear from my female friends with shitty conservative husbands, they never eat out.