Rube Goldberg's Razor

So first of all, you never specifically mentioned open carry. 99.9% of the conversation around people being able to carry on college campuses revolves around concealed carry. It’s not my fault that now you’re deciding to move the goal posts because you weren’t specific enough initially.

Citation? Non anecdotal evidence?

Where did I say this?

I am so sorry.  I vote against adding a tv to our break room every time it comes up because I work with 90% conservatives and I know exactly what station that tv would be on all day if we got one. 

Why are you assuming that I’m talking about legal concealed carry:

I love how some red state governments don’t want college students to vote but they do want them to start carrying guns to class. 

I gave up drinking a while back, but in my experience, the best way to fight the DTs is to leave a drink on your nightstand when you go to bed (pass out). That way when you wake up needing to piss out all of that fluid at some point in the early morning hours, you can take a couple swallows of your liquor of choice

I like your answer better than mine, which is that the Trump administration’s goal is to get Russian permission to invade Iran.

I am always so confused by the timing of the Emmy’s. Game of Thrones last aired from June to August 2017. Season 1 of the Handmaid’s Tale ran from April to June 2017 and was included in last year’s awards. Season 2 of Handmaid’s Tale ran from April to July 2018.

I haven’t seen your handle before, and I’m not entirely sure I can explain why, but I find it delightfully hilarious. Legit lol over here.  

I hope as punishment they make him play AA baseball for a season before going to SCOTUS. 

Part of the problem is that the current iteration of Conservatives loathe experts and elitism. The leaders of the military, even if they may trend conservative, are generally men who were educated at Westpoint or Annapolis, two extremely good schools, and continue to work on advanced degrees as they progress through

FTFY Scott.

Where does one put a basement full of katanas in a $50.00 a month condo bedroom?

Oh I love pork. I grill Pork Tenderloins all summer, slow cook pork shoulders all fall, love butcher shop pork sausages. Don’t get me started on pork belly... I may have to go get pork belly tacos today just because I put that in my head.

Just when it comes to processed supermarket hot dogs, I think the kosher Hebrew

Kosher hot dogs for life!

I make a ton of canabutter and melt it over popcorn when I’m high. It’s the stoner snack that keeps giving. 

At least Winston only disrespected a woman and not the flag. /s  

My extremely cynical take is that the only reason the Trump Administration hasn’t actually started moving toward war with Iran yet is because Russia has Iran’s back. The July 16th summit just announced between Trump and Putin? I’m betting it’s about paying Russia’s cost to allow Trump to invade Iran.

I have conservative cousins who had an abortion after they found out their first pregnancy had serious complications that would prevent the baby from ever breathing on it’s own in the unlikely even that it made it to term.  They went on to have two healthy children after that, and they constantly repeat anit-choice